Years back my post " sweet and sour  mother in law "made some waves and
one  view  that received  best comments and  attention
In our custom and tradition there is perpetual antagonism between mother
and daughter in law,either on the surface  or  in deep rooted apprehension
of mistrust
Fair enough, one condition that would be wives demand is a separate
residence before or  after marriage.Many a fierce battles are fought due to
lack of ability to adjust in the new surroundings.The adjustment and
pressures are tremendous for the new wives to suddenly, without
reservations to  accommodate a whole army of relatives from the husband
sides and is often looked  up with suspicion of plotting to win the husband
away from his close relatives Such an exercise of fidelity  cannot  be
achieved overnight as building of affectionate relations is time
consuming.It is another matter that the wife has to suddenly lose all her
own loved ones  and friends,who were her life time companions..Anyway
living separately right from start  builds better relations and contributes
to a blissful togetherness  in the best years of  life .Daughter in law is
not a bonded servant, caretaker of elderly parents per se 'but
responsibilty is cast on her not to abandon them or make their life a
living hell. In the  new house  there is a lot of assistance she can
expect   in daily chores,, When the new ones arrive,  and specially for a
working wife,the wisdom, experience of mother in law  can be a  dependable
source of comfort.Fleeting between homes is not taken kindly  and
accusations of divided   loyalty are raised. Well overdepence  on her
parents breeds more antagonism and misunderstanding,but such dependency  is
no obligation and freely avaiable,Relying on external aid like servants is
frought with with many ills but is the need of the hour
There is a growing feeling that parents are exhausted with their own life
responsibilities and cannot be expected to once again shoulder
responsibilty of baby sitting and daily routine of bringing up
grandchildren as a matter of duty.Good and healthy relations in the new
settings add to memorable life of joy.The tug of War between mother in law
and daughter in law is difficult  task for the son  to b e a fair,   unbias
refree  all the time.The attempt to snatch him from imbliical chord is
devastating for his mental health that will defineyely impinge on family
life .Some resort to this conflict  resolution by  silence and  non
interference, letting the situations  to find their level of compromise and
The physically dependent in laws  have to be taken care of with love and
not  as a baggage  ,burden, duty of marriage
In an instant case the mother in-law  is much more bonded,  closer  than
perhaps her own daugjter. She trusted her intrinsically right from the
beginning and avoided confrontational attitude for losing the affection of
her son as before .The mother in law in turn  was respected,and treated
with dignity and love.The closeness  and sharing in all matters enhanced
their mutual trust and affection .The sharing of responsibilities of daily
routine was not compartmentalized  but there was perfect understanding of
what needs to be attended.Daughter in law devoted her time  , energy,
resources for the welfare  of inlaws that made their life enjoyable  and
thanked  God  for the choice to enhance the family fortunes  of
togetherness  .She adopted the family as her own and was indeed trusted
admired  for attempts to keep family united  with  bridges of warm and
cordial relations.  It was an unique mother and daughter relation . She
provided the best of care  at crucial times and inspite of her own personal
health concerns.An praise worthy concern was not to ve away from her long
or take vacations  because she would long for her companionship  and fondly
miss the  physical and emotional absence
The best that was needed to be done was accomplished when she lived and was
alive. HER birthdays were  always a well planned,  festive occasions  that
she enjoyed the adulations of grand celebrations   and focus on her with
spiritual   trappings too.  The close family affair always added the
flavour of affection and love and she looked forward  with joyful
The simplicity,  honesty,humility strong faith, implicit trust were added
factors  of adjustable,  long lasting bonds
During the final years the  attachment was like a fevicol bond ,lasting and
strong to snap  away
The daughter in law  believed  that praises should not be reserved for
theinscription on the  tombstone.There is absolutely no resentment of ever
withholding the best to have been done and no wonder the medicine   formula
for long,happy, healthy  life   of 97 years was God's grace and wonderful
daughter in law, her  proud asset and    to whom she attributed  her
gratitude  and obligations of new relation
When daughter in law embraces inlaws as her own and treats them with
honour  and dignity  daughter in law assumes  the role of Queen in the
family that unites and bonds with no conflicts and hiccups  of adjustments
and accommodation of understanding  A job well  done that needs a  salute
from society  for cementing daughter in law and mother in law relations

Nelson Lopes

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