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Lawyer, journalist, social activist and an agriculturist who 'still ploughs' 
his own 
fields, JOHN FERNANDESspeaks to Walter Menezes about the mining problem in 

[This interview appeared on Gomantak Times dated 19th January, 2009]


What led you and the villagers of Ambaulim to block the Ambaulim-Quepem road at 
Capelabhat on 17.12.2008?

There is a serious dust problem in our village due to transportation of mining 
and overloading of trucks. Road-widening work presently underway has only 
matters. Our children who study in Pope John School (Quepem) are in constant 
There are time restrictions for mining trucks. But who bothers? Trucks continue 
ply between 1-2 in the afternoon. We made several complaints to the 
authorities. But 
nobody took any cognizance. In the end, we were constrained to come on the road.

A case under section 307 of IPC (attempt to murder) has been slapped against 
Did you, in the heat of the moment, pick up a spade and flung it on a policeman?

Please see the video recording of the agitation. You will come to know that I - 
any of our agitators - have not used any weapon. It is the police who had used 
weapon against us.  During the corner meeting before the 'rasta-rokho', we 
instructed our villagers to be peaceful and non-violent.

Even in the face of force by men in khaki?

Yes. Even in the face of force.

So you think this was done only to break your 'spine and your spirit'?

This was done to suppress our voice and our agitation. They want us to live 
cattle. And not like lions and tigers! They don't want us to fight for our 

In a letter addressed to the Editor of GT (31.12.2008), you have said that 
there is 
no administration in Quepem. Is the situation really that bad?

I am constrained to say so. RTO, Mamlatdar, Deputy Collector.these are the 
authorities who are supposed to take action. But they have no time to listen to 
grievances. The way the mining transport is going on in Quepem, it seems that 
are no laws.

Do you think mining will ultimately bleed Goa to death?

Certainly. If mining activity continues the way it is happening at present, a 
will come when Goa will face a severe health and water problem. Cutting of 
and forests will reduce rain and if there is no water, Goa will collapse. We 
extracting excessive blood from our mountains and sending it to China. If a 
starts oozing excessive blood certainly that state will dies in the years to 

Directly and indirectly, thousands depend on the mining industry. It is always 
to preach. Do you have any solutions?

I agree. Mining is part of Goa. But mining must be done in such a way that 
economic zone - and those who are dependent on nature - should not be 
Villagers and tribals residing in the hinterland also have a right to live.

Mining dust has invaded Kepem and the quality of air that we breathe is poor. 
Do you 
feel we must insist upon water-tankers to spray the roads as is done in 

I don't think that is a solution. If the mining trucks only abide by the 
laid by the High Court  and the 15/12/07 notification issued by  the 
Directorate of 
Transport and the order passed by the then Deputy Collector, Sanjay Goel, dated 
19.10.2006, spillage will totally reduce.

You once told me that the mining problem affecting Quepem and Sanguem can 
into a major water crisis for South Goa, especially Salcette. Would you 

Due to mining activity in Quepem and Sanguem, if Salaulim Dam is silted, there 
be shortage of water and in due course of time our coastal belt will be 
The topography of Goa is unique. Our mountains are the water-tankers of fresh 
If these mountains are recklessly destroyed, Goa will run short of fresh water. 
Kushavati in Kepem, the Zuari river.they will be affected. It is a vicious 

What then should be our approach to environment?

Environment is my University and I am its student. All of us should be more 
concerned to develop human beings and not to develop things. Any activity that 
jeopardizes the very existence of human beings should not be promoted.

Is environment the only issue dear to your heart?

No. My village in Ambaulim is still backward. To educate the villagers about 
importance of education and to be away from alcoholism are my other concerns.


Yes. In my village, some bars are open as early as 4 in the morning. In a 
survey and another conducted by Goa University in the jurisdiction of Ambaulim 
parish, we found that for every 40 male adults, there is bar in my village. And 
the 100 villagers who died, 80% of them were below the age of 40!

A village where young women are widows?

Yes. The family is orphaned and neglected. And this in turn gives rise to many 
social problems.

Is the Church (in Ambaulim) alarmed and concerned?

Church is not very serious about the issue.

You were born in Ambaulim. You grew up here. Can you tell us about your early 

Life was very hard. There was alcoholism problem in my family too. But thanks 
to my 
teachers, I am what I am today.

Confronting the mining lobby and the administration is not an easy task. Do you 
frustrated? Or are you optimistic that reason, and truth, will ultimately 

This is not about winning and losing. We want to give our 100% to the 
agitation. I 
am of the strong belief that till the time we are honest to ourselves and our 
we will surely succeed.

One final question. In the film 'A Mighty Heart', where Angelina Jolie plays 
wife of slain US journalist Daniel Pearl, she is a picture of agony. How is 
wife coping up?

My wife understands and supports me. But my mother wants me to come out of all 
and lead a quiet life. It was hard convincing her that I was only living my 
Christian faith. I told her that if I have to stop, then I will have to forsake 


A link to theDetail account  of the incident taken place on 17/12/2008 at 
Copelabhat, Ambaulim



John Fernandes is also a member of GAKUVED and President of United Boys of 
John's concerns are Goa and its environment. The interview was conducted last 
against the backdrop of the agitation where a criminal case has been slapped 
him.   He can be contacted at: joao_fe...@yahoo.com

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