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Before I answer Anil Desai's questions, let me point out some of the issues
that he has conveniently ignored.

Anil, why dont you pose these questions to MARG itself ? Why are you
feeling shy of writing to MARG ? Please note that I am
not a representative of MARG and my answers may not be authoritative.

Also, in one of my earlier posts, I asked you whether you can help create jobs 
Goa by sourcing some IT  business to Goan IT companies. Can you do that, or
are you only about complaining ?

Now let me answer some of the other questions.

Simple arithmetic will tell you that if there are x vehicles and if y number of 
deaths take place
then the number of deaths if all else remains the same when there are 2x 
would be 2y. So, on what basis is an absolute reduction in deaths is considered
a success for any effort to reduce deaths ?

Neverthless, the number of accidental deaths have reduced albeit slightly in the
last year. This was
announced by the Transport minister recently. Nowhere did I claim that the 
credit goes to MARG. MARG is not about taking credit.

Thirdly, the problem of road deaths as I mentioned in the last post is complex. 
has proved that lack of implementation of helmet rules on village roads has 
increased deaths. Can MARG
be made responsible for that? I have cleared mentioned that MARG's mandate is 
to educate people as far as the govt. funding is concerned. I also mentioend 
where people refuse to learn. Can MARG be held responsible for that ?

As far as Goa govt being in debt, should Goa govt not spend money at all on 
There are priorities on where to spend how much money. I can personally vouch 
this money at least is well spent. Goa govt. is going to spend hundreds of 
crores on
celebrations for the 50 the year of liberation. Goa govt. spends whole lot of 
on IFFI. I personally think that saving lives is a noble endeavour well worth 
little money on. Please note that the money spent on MARG is miniscule compared
to money spent on many other things. Neverthless, you are free to have your 
It is a democracy after all.

As to MARG being an NGO, and the sitting CM being its chairman, I am no expert
on this. As far as I know, MARG is a registered trust. I dont know if NGO is a 
colloquial term or is a legal term. Neverthless, this question can be posed to 
You have MARG's email address.

Now that I have answered your questions, why dont you solve Goa's road death 
Or are you only about putting down some good work while not doing anything 



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