Said it before, will say it again, a VIRUS such as a cold or similar CANNOT be 
cured by anti-biotics because a VIRUS cannot be got rid of, by a cure for 
BACTERIAL infections....
  Anti-biotics are a CHEMICAL SUBSTANCE derived from MOULD (such as PENICILLIN) 
or BACTERIUM which kills MICRO-ORGANISMS and thus curing INFECTIONS of 
BACTERIAL origins.
  A cold is a VIRUS, therefore you cannot CURE it with an ANTI-BIOTIC (an 
anti-biotic when taken killls not only the BAD bacteria that infected your body 
but also the GOOD bacteria in your gut & intestines, so when you have taken 
anti-biotics please remember your guts flora & fauna as it were, take some 
"live" yoghurt to restore the balance............. but if you are lactose 
intolerant, you can get it the good bacteria via a soya based yoghurt or in 
capsule form).
  Those who drink alcohol, remember also that the live "good"  bacteria will 
also need to be replenished, by a simple few teaspoonfuls of yoghurt (add honey 
or fruit to make it  more palatable if you dont like the taste of natural 
  Meanwhile......... back to where I was before digressing....... you cannot 
CURE a virus.  If it was possible to do so (& I dont doubt one day, if 
sufficients animals are killed and maimed in the name of science, repeatedly so 
experimented upon), a cure WILL be found.  But whether this will be released as 
a general cure-all is another matter.
  Many big CHEMICAL companies who make these BRANDED pills & potions for us all 
to take will be out of business.
  It is constant illnesses, hopefully followed by death, but the 
mis-information (not to mention the previously posted comments regarding the 
big "medicine" companies paying developing countries' poor who will be 
experimented upons as guinea-pigs & so on) that keep these very companies in 
  You & I can just imagine the board of directors (in their hush-hush 
conference rooms), these 'blue chip' chemical companies top brass (& not 
forgetting the big insurance companies too, they have "blood" on their hands 
also) ever wanting a cure to found for the common cold, let alone the most 
dangerous of all viruses, HIV?  Imagine these companies in Goa or anywhere in 
the world ever agreeing to release their hold on the golden goose who lays 
golden eggs?  They make a FORTUNE on cough mixtures, pills and potions.......!!
  Hell no, more sick ill & dyiing there are the more money they rake in.  
  Ever wondered WHY they havent found a quick cure for the tobacco habit? Sure 
its not bacterial or a virus, but it is a killer.  Happily the chemical 
companies will supply patches & artificial ciggies, happily they will pay the 
lobbying groups who work on their behalf?
  Cures, patents etc are bought by big chemical & medicine companies, they are 
then stored in their multi-billion dollar head office safes........... never to 
be seen again.
  "..........Cure?  What cure?  That bloody Alexander Flemming found a way to 
cure bacterial infections but the moment they go that one step further and find 
a cure for virus infections, we are bankrupt...."
  I wonder if then, the 100 Index would drop so badly that perhaps the British 
Pound would be on par to the Indian Rupiah?  World markets would collapse & 
many will be financially ruined!  Why worry, they will live longer, be 
healthier & have more time to cry of the milk that has been spilt........... 
now if someone has the guts just to open that safe, or should I say that 
Pandora's Box to see exactly what evils lay inside, or was it just a secret of 
how to cure ALL ailments that befall us?
  We will never know, please pass me that hot toddy................... maybe, 
just maybe this will do the trick............ if not there is always Calpol for 
the little one, Nurofen for mother's headache too.........I'll just have 
another toddy...........the yoghurt can wait till breakfast time, will add some 
honey & sliced mango with it............
  John Monteiro
  06.12.07.....12.30pm  (UK time)

  • [Goanet] Antibiotics edward desilva
    • Re: [Goanet] Antibiotics for BACTERIAL INFECTIONS vs I... JOHN MONTEIRO

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