The Catechists of the Aldona Parish have rendered yeoman service to
the community by imparting doctrinal knowledge to our children in:

- Preparing them for First Holy Communion
- Preparing them for Confirmation
- Post Confirmation instructions

A need is now felt of acquiring an LCD Projector (along with a screen,
PC etc) for better audio-visual communication. This will certainly
enhance the quality of instructions imparted to the children through
the medium of religious movies and other presentations. Needless to
say, the equipment could be also be employed in connection with other
church activities requiring audio-visual equipment - like seminars,
retreats and religio-cultural events.

The cost of the equipment is estimated at approximately Rs 70,000/-,
hence a strong plea is hereby sincerely made to all the Aldona
Parishioners, resident and non-resident, as well as well wishers to
kindly come forward to contribute towards this worthy cause. We hope
to collect the required amount soon so that the equipment is in place
before the next Catechetical Year which starts in June 2009.

We thank you in anticipation, and may God bless you for your generosity.

Donations by cheque/DD/Bank Transfer can be made directly to the
"Catechetical Fund, Aldona"
A/c no: 017810003860
Dena Bank, Aldona

or posted to
St. Thomas Church  Aldona,

Further details and clarifications, if required, can be obtained from:
The Catechetical Animator
Rev. Fr Mario Leitao
Curate of St. Thomas Church ,
Aldona: Phone: +91 9823551974

or from
The Treasurer
John Raj
at: <rajjoh13 at gmail dot com>


It's for our children. Please donate generously.




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