The metropolis is in calamitous decline everywhere you look in India.
Of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, 14 are in this country.
Earlier this year, Shimla ran out of water, a fate expected to plague
a further 21 cities over the next two years. Meanwhile, urbanisation
continues at a dizzying pace. Between 2018 and 2050, the United
Nations says, Indian cities will burgeon exponentially, adding another
416 million residents to become home for 60% of the nation’s
population, which will overtake China’s in 2025 to become the largest
in the world.

All this was anticipated. As far back as 1989, the renowned modernist
architect Charles Correa wrote in the Journal of the American Academy
of Arts and Sciences: “We cannot get rich overnight; poverty is going
to be with us for some years to come, and our 21st century will be
dominated by the struggle for human equity. For us in India, those
colossal waves of distress migration engulfing our towns and cities
are going to occupy centrestage – generating the overriding political
and moral issues of the next five decades.” But that clarion never
registered in the ears that matter, and no responsible preparations
were ever attempted. Correa himself acknowledged, “Our criminal
indifference to cities…allowed conditions to deteriorate to sub-human

That admission came in another essay titled Great City, Terrible
Place, which eventually became the theme of the first Z-Axis
conference in 2015, an initiative hosted in Goa by the Charles Correa
Foundation, which is based in Fontainhas, the oldest neighborhood of
Panjim, the state capital. For the first time, nearly 1,000 architects
and urban planners from across the subcontinent gathered together with
Pritzker Award winner Rafael Moneo from Spain and industry veterans
from India: Balkrishna Doshi (who won the Pritzker in March), Raj
Rewal, Mahendra Raj and Correa himself. From inception the initiative
aimed high: “to connect the fraternity of thinker-doers in the domains
of architecture, urban design, planning, social projects and
conservation to an audience of influencers, professionals and
students…thus creating a consequential community of intellectuals who
will invariably influence the future”.

Correa died in June 2015, three months after that event. But the
foundation persists in its work as “a catalyst for architectural,
urban design, planning, and community-based projects that improve the
condition of human settlements in India” and has continued with
Z-Axis. In 2016, the conference theme was Buildings as Ideas,
featuring global standouts such as Leila Araghian, a young architect
from Iran whose extraordinary Tabiat Bridge has become an iconic
attraction in Tehran, and Ilze Wolff of South Africa, whose main
preoccupation is architecture’s complicity in “the construction of
societal structures of power, race and gender”.

Now officially biennial, Z-Axis is steered by the foundation’s
director Nondita Correa Mehrotra, who is Correa’s daughter and a
Principal at RMA Architects, alongside her husband Rahul Mehrotra, the
current Chair of the department of Urban Planning and Design at the
Harvard Graduate School of Design. She chose to theme the 2018
edition, which started on September 6, Designing Equitable Cities.

“With this edition of Z-Axis, we have invited speakers who are social
scientists [and] whose work has been on Indian cities,” said Correa
Mehrotra. “We’ve also invited architects and urban designers, many
from the global south, who have worked in similar conditions as those
in Indian cities. Fundamentally, equitable cities are about creating
the channels of communication for everyone – the public and
semi-public places where we congregate, the environment where we all
can share. A conference like this is really for civil society as it
engages all of us in our concerns for better cities. The more
equitable our cities, the more diverse are the people that
participate, and the better for all.”

The 2018 line-up of Z-Axis includes a number of intriguing twists such
as a presentation on The City Betrayed by Gautam Patel, a judge of the
Bombay High Court, who has developed an avid following for his
compellingly readable judgements, written with great dramatic flair,
and a penchant for poetry.

Other than Correa, few have summarised the plight of Indian cities as
incisively as Patel. At a symposium on Safe Cities in August 2013, he

“This fracturing of urban communities is a result of our chosen forms
of urban architecture and town planning, and is itself a consequence
of the distortions in economic policy and development over the last
several decades. Warped definitions of progress – fancier cars for the
few, little or no attention to mass transit and public transport,
public infrastructure and open spaces – lead to urban-built forms that
are incongruous and inappropriate…It is the architecture of impatient
social imperialism, the architecture of individualism, the
architecture of exclusion. The built form reflects a change in
perception and attitude, where the individual and his needs are not
only paramount, but where the needs of the community are reduced to

Patel describes entrenched problems which indicate seemingly
irredeemable systemic flaws. But that morass is precisely where Correa
sought to intervene. Correa Mehrotra points to her father’s 1983
Thomas Cubitt lecture, where he said, “We are only as big as the
questions we address. And this, to my mind, is the riveting fact of
life for architects in the Third World. Not the size or value of the
projects we are working on, but the nature of the questions they raise
– and which we must confront.” In other words, paraphrasing
Michelangelo, every urban quandary already has an elegant solution
locked up inside it, and it is the job of architects and planners to
set it free.

That is what another Z-Axis 2018 speaker, Alejandro Echeverri from
Colombia, helped achieve in Medellin, which drug traffickers – led by
the notorious Carlos Escobar – had degraded to “the most dangerous
city on earth” throughout the 1990s. Still entrenched in crime in the
21st century, the city began to transform under a popular new mayor,
Sergio Fajardo, the son of an architect and an evangelical believer in
the power of urban design.

According to The Guardian’s series The Story of Cities, Fajardo and
Echeverri shared a solid “commitment to the public realm as a truly
shared space, and a faith that they could transform Medellín’s public
spaces from sites of segregation and warfare into spaces where
communities would come together…way beyond the more modest experiments
with participatory planning and community consultationthat are now
vogue in cities across the globe. The sheer enormity and complexity of
the issues here demanded something unique – an urbanism of inclusion,
where the dispossessed became partners in driving urban change.”

All this is exactly what Correa himself stressed throughout his
career. In his seminal 1985 book, The New Landscape, he outlined the
Indian urban planner’s most basic conundrums with sensitivity and

“Architecture is an agent of change…which is why a leader like Mahatma
Gandhi is called the architect of the nation. Neither the engineer,
nor the dentist, not the historian. But the architect, i.e., the
generalist who speculates on how the pieces could fit together in more
advantageous ways. One who is concerned with what might be. And to do
this, in the context of the Third World, we must have the courage to
face very disturbing issues. For what is your moral right to decide
for ten thousand, for a hundred thousand, for two million people? But
then what is the morality of not acting, in merely watching passively
the slow degradation of life around you? This is indeed a cruel
dilemma. To act or not act. On the one hand. The dangers of fascism,
on the other the paralysis of Hamlet. It is a profoundly disturbing
issue, one which will define the key moral values of the first half of
the 21st century.”

“Charles always felt that as an architect and as a designer, he had to
use his skills to solve the problem,” said Correa Mehrotra. “He would
always say that as architects we are compulsive problem solvers,
dealing with spatial issues. I feel that it is important for the
Foundation, in dealing with Charles’ legacy, to have exhibitions and
publish books on his work, to get people to look at his archives which
span 60 years, and to really understand his work and how he
articulated the problem and solved it. And through the conferences and
workshops, give the profession a forum to discuss issues that Charles
thought were important. At one level, people recognise his style. We
think he was much more about ideas for solving problems. The problems
he addressed, how he defined them and the solutions he found, are his
enduring legacy.”

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