Further to the article by Dr Oscar Rebello dated 21 August 2019 in Goa News 

I beg to differ with Dr Oscar Rebello, Goa Based Leader of Aam Aadmi Party, 
with the symbol of a broom used for voting.

Mother Nature’s annual wash of Goa with the recent monsoons brought rainwater 
everywhere including Panjim but not a drop in the Taps to drink.

I agree with Pantaleao Fernandes writing in Goa Today August 2019 issue  where 
he highlights in recent times, on trips through Goan Villages, one notices that 
some people have literally poisoned their own wells. The wells that quenched 
the thirst of their forefathers lie forlorn, neglected, uncared, unloved and 
sometimes hated – filled with all types of trash! Toilet soak pits are built in 
the vicinity of the well with least regard to the health advisory, thereby 
contaminating the water.

The water authorities in London district United Kingdom , with a population  of 
 8,136 million in 2011 to ensure  that there is enough water for all built a 
ring main tunnel around London big enough to drive a London Black Taxi.    
However, water is carefully managed as during periods of water shortage there 
is a hose pipe ban to water gardens.

Water, the source of all life itself, if you agree, is precious. Dr Rebello 
states that the prime reason for the recent water problem in Panjim and 

Stupid?   From observation of over 60 years, the energy of the enterprising 
Goan knows no bounds where there is money to be made in lining their own 
pockets.   First comes the example of our people residing in Goa who have 
worked tirelessly to get Portuguese citizenship and then make their journey to 
Breadline Britain with complete family groups to etch a living, having left 
spacious homes to renting and sharing houses of multiple and shared occupancy.  
I would not have thought this was a very easy decision for them to make or a 
very easy task to follow this decision through.  Good governance attracts 
people hoping to get a better life anywhere in the world.   

The result of this is the number of our  young people from Goa in the UK has 
markedly risen over the last few years and Konkani which was never commonly 
heard before can be heard frequently in buses, shops, etc.   It therefore is 
very clear to me that these new arrivals did not feel inclined to use their 
energy and enterprise to better the country they lived in and chose to wander 
off to what they believe to be greener pastures.   It is sad to see educated 
people who would have greatly contributed to Goa development doing jobs far 
below their education like working in factories, menial jobs in hospitals, at 
airports, etc.   Could their expertise be better spent to improve their living 
conditions in Goa?   What made them leave?

Living in Breadline Britain has encouraged the development of multiple streams 
of income one of which is where fellow gullible Goans in the name of Charity 
are asked to donate money to fund coffins by  Goans with Water Melon Smiles 
(GWS) their details can be found embodied as a registered in UK charity no  
280542 and in the website of the Goauk.com. Membership is GBP£1.00 for life, 
with the chanting of thousands of Goans arriving in the United Kingdom this 
firm has around 100 unverified registered members.

To Qualify for the airfreight burial scheme you need a Potuguese Passport and 
claim to have no money so that your body can be flown to Goa for Burial @ 
GBP2,000.00 for a one bed coffin. At the last count two years ago we are 
informed there was over GBP two hundred thousand  enough for 200 coffins yet 
the unaccountable fund raising still goes on with multiple streams of income 
such as sobbing letters for donations, dances, raffle tickets, party hats etc. 
Living in a welfare state I do not see any welfare work or Charity in these 
people other than generate revenue for the unelected office bearers an off 
shoot  of the now dysfunctional G.O.A. UK Limited which I have observed 
throwing out its constitution and terms of reference. All financial losses 
posted are some Goan’s gain guess who is basking in the revenue from Insurance 
paid out when our clubhouse burnt down and over the last few years rental from 
flat purchased.

On the bright side it appears that there has been a pause in people dying as 
there has been no appeals for burial money in the last few months which is good 
news for the UK economy as the much needed tax revenue is generated by these 
Portuguese slave workers of Goan origin.

Then comes the hundreds that have floated out on board cruise ships employed 
mainly in the hospitality sector, I can only assume that cruise ship 
recruitment companies find our Goykars to be of a standard befitting high 
standards on a cruise ship.

However, I am still of the belief that the cream of Goa is in Goa itself, 
unfortunately from what I can see, a large majority are using their energy and 
enterprise to avail of the domestic and international tourist trade to fill 
their pockets with lucrative amount of rupees to fatten their bank accounts.   
This, in my opinion, is leaving them little time to spend on projects to 
improve their environment or be bothered about their surroundings?    Who is 
voting in these politicians? Who can improve the quality of life in this case 
the basic human right of water, electricity and shelter?   It is of note that 
on the brighter side the much loved and abused Ration card ensures no one is 
starving in Goa hence attracting migrants to a better life in the former 
Portuguese Goa from the former British India.

Another observation is that patriotic Goans  originally from East Africa who 
had renovated family homes or  purchased houses and flats in Goa to spend the 
cold winters of Europe back home have now started a recent trend of “selling 
up”, deciding not to bother even visiting anymore.   The main reason is that 
the quality of their vacation has deteriorated to such an extent that their 
hard earned money spent in coming to Goa can be better spent elsewhere in the 
whole wide world.   Declining international tourism in Goa is far from being 
addressed and time will tell if any improvement in international high end 
tourism continues. Especially when you have to empty your wallet of all Indian 
Rupees at departure points to extortionate Foreign exchange rates leaving you 
with none to come back with.

To conclude we might be seen by Dr Rebello as a stupid dim witted people never 
prepared to ask the right questions but from my observations, this stupidity is 
short lived when it comes to improving our lives and bank balances.   At this 
point we turn into a very clever race, never hesitating to pack up our bags and 
flow with the wind or water to what we see as greener pasture lands or blue 
seas!    The loyalty to mother Goa does not become a consideration.  Yesterday 
I saw the Disney film “Lion King” when a monkey asked the lion, “I know who I 
am, but do you know who you are?”

Your views on the above are welcomed.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

25 August 2019


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