As BJP Fights Another Saffron Alliance, AAP Could Play Spoiler for Congress
in Goa


Manohar Parrikar has roped two
Congressmen into the BJP whom
he had accused of being corrupt
in the past.

PHOTO: Defence minister Manohar
Parrikar, union Ayush minister
Sripad Naik and Goa chief
minister Laxmikant Parsekar.
Credit: PTI

Panaji: The word 'U-turn' has turned into a rallying call for
almost all those targeting the BJP in the Goa election. Elvis
Gomes, the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) chief ministerial
candidate, uses it as the punch line in his frenzied
campaign. "This government has done so many U-turns, the word
will soon become part of school textbooks in Goa," he said.
In the Congress manifesto, U-turn finds mention in the very
first para: "The current government has emerged as the
epitome of U-turns, reneging on all its promises."

Travelling around Goa trying to pick up the pulse of this
election, an anti-incumbency undercurrent is clearly evident.

What do you hope will come from this election, this
correspondent asked two well-educated and articulate
middle-aged men who were listening to Delhi chief minister
Arvind Kejriwal's address late evening in the heart of Margao
on Sunday. Kejriwal has campaigned intensely here for three
days over the weekend hoping to catch undecided voters like
these two.

Change, one of them, Jason Cardozo and his friend tell me, is
what Goa needs. "The BJP promised us a lot, but it proved no
better than the Congress. Now there has to be a change."

          Though the opposition in Goa -- principally the
          Congress which had been practically comatose since
          its stinging defeat in 2012 -- was all at sea, the
          first signs that an undercurrent for change was
          picking up came from an intelligence report
          commissioned by the BJP some three months ago. The
          internal survey predicted a hung assembly for Goa,
          giving the BJP a maximum of 16 seats, with the
          Congress not far behind with 12-15 seats in a house
          of 40 members.

The rumble started in August when the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS) sacked its Goa chief Subhash Velingkar for his
very strident attack of defence minister Manohar Parrikar.

          Velingkar, a strong votary of teaching in the
          mother tongue in primary schools, did not go
          quietly. Credited with setting up the RSS in Goa,
          the former school principal did the unthinkable --
          he defied Nagpur and formed a breakaway Goa RSS
          prant. Within months, the BJP which had seemed to
          be cruising along comfortably to a second term in
          Goa with the opposition in shambles, has been
          confronted with what would have seemed implausible
          till then -- a political cleave in its ideological
          core group.

Vowing to bring down the BJP (identified completely with
Parrikar in Goa) for its slight to him and for reneging on
its promise to change the government's medium of instruction
policy that extends grants to English primary schools run by
the church, Velingkar floated a political wing of the
Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch -- the group lobbying to
change the government's school grants policy. Set up in
October, Goa Suraksha Manch (GSM) has taken a plunge in the

Sensing opportunity in the shifting political winds, the
Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) too split from the BJP
earlier this month. The MGP's dominant face Sudin Dhavalikar
made no secret of the fact he is in the race for the Goa
chief minister post.

          In 2012, the BJP had contested 35 seats in an
          alliance with the MGP (BJP 28, MGP 7) and won a
          simple majority of 21 on its own (plus the MGP's
          three seats), this largely because of the
          anti-Congress wave and the Church throwing its
          weight behind the anti-corruption campaign in that

In election 2017, the MGP is heading an alliance of counter
saffron groups ranged against big brother BJP, which is no
doubt worrying for Modi's party and Parrikar in particular,
in whose hands the party's strategy is vested.

The MGP has tied up with the GSM and Shiv Sena and will
contest in 30 of the 40 seats (MGP 22, GSM 5, SS 3) and
support independents in a few others. The saffron alliance is
giving the BJP heartburn in at least eight constituencies.

Among the more notable ones is Pernem in North Goa where the
MGP has craftily fielded the former Congress minister Babu
Ajgaonkar to take on the BJP speaker Rajendra Arlekar. Ground
surveys indicate that the scales here are tilting toward the
MGP man.

Chief minister Laxmikant Parsekar too has been compelled to
trudge through the heat and dust to retain his seat in
Mandrem where a split in the saffron vote could favour the
Congress candidate Dayanand Sopte. Parsekar is relying
heavily on his daughter Shambhavi's door to door campaign
with women voters. In St. Andre, where the BJP bagged a
Congress seat in 2012 riding the anti-Congress sentiment, the
MGP candidate will make a BJP rerun all the more tough, as
will the Cortalim seat, where the BJP's sole woman candidate
and minister Alina Saldanha is clawing for a return.

          Not one to be outdone by sudden political
          upheavals, Parrikar had already shored up a back-up
          plan. In a move that is being seen here as
          extremely cynical, Parrikar who fought the 2012
          election on the promise of ending corruption,
          inducted two tainted Congress MLAs into the BJP a
          few weeks ago for their "winnability" quotient. The
          union minister himself had filed a case against
          Mauvin Godinho in a power scam and threatened to
          expose corruption in a land deal involving the
          other, Pandurang Madkaikar. Both are now BJP
          candidates which prompted the Congress to respond
          -- good riddance and thank you for cleaning up the
          Congress party.

The counter saffron move may have put the BJP on the backfoot
in the Goa election, but no means is the party down and out
and could emerge the single largest party, no small thanks to
fragmentation of the 'secular' vote.

The Congress which seemed from all initial analyses in a good
position to make a comeback if it made the right moves, has
failed to clinch a crucial tie-up with the Goa Forward,
formed by a breakaway Congress group. This could damage the
prospects of both parties in at least three constituencies.

Bogged down by its perennial bickering at the top level and
the last-minute announcement of candidates, the party has
even left one of its 'strong' seats, Siolim, without a
candidate. It has, however, formed an understanding with the
United Goans Party and an independent.

More worrying for the Congress and a big plus for the BJP is
the presence of the AAP in the Goa election in a big way. AAP
is contesting 39 seats, more even than the Congress (37) and
BJP (36). But it is in constituencies with a large presence
of Catholic voters that the AAP is likely to hurt the
Congress. It has failed to make a dent in BJP and MGP
strongholds, which even its members admit. "The AAP in Goa is
good for us," Parsekar remarked.

All India Congress Committee general secretary Digvijay Singh
has been far more scathing in his attack on Kejriwal's
strategy. The AAP, he said, was only targeting states where
the Congress is strong. "It wants to expand in the rest of
the country at the expense of the Congress to finish it." An
AAP official who’s been camped out in Goa for over a year now
believes the Congress has only itself to blame. "Any party is
free to come in and contest an election. If the Congress
believes this is their state, why didn't they work to keep
it?" he asks. AAP goes where it senses there's a connect with
voters, he said.

          On the campaign trail here on Monday, BJP president
          Amit Shah said Parrikar would run Goa's affairs
          whether he remained at the Centre or returned to
          Goa. The hint that Parrikar could return to Goa as
          chief minister is meant to put out the message that
          the BJP would be open to post-poll tie-ups if it
          came to it, and the current chief minister would
          have no claim on the seat. The MGP too has been
          rather silent on which way it might head after the
          result. It has been in government with both the
          Congress and BJP in the past.

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