There are aspirations and there are realities. In Goa, never the ‘twain shall 

Aires Rodrigues aspiration: to be Panjim’s MLA and clear the city of everything 
Reality: if history is anything to go by, he will lose his deposit let alone 

Pramod Sawant aspiration: Goa is a safe place.
Reality: It is so overrun with crime of every kind, Putin must be envying the 
man’s security.

Goa Govt aspiration: To make Goa a tourist destination for well heeled 
discerning tourists. 
Reality: With current dirt and filth in the towns, even low budget Out of State 
tourists attracted by low liquor prices are looking for other places.

Tourist aspiration: Goa Miles will usher in decent taxi prices.
Reality: Ripping off tourists is in the blood of Goan service providers of all 

Diaspora aspiration: I will settle in Goa in my sunset golden years to be back 
with my people.
Reality: I’m going back. This is not what I expected.

Note: Reality or not, I hope Aires wins.


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