> Assam on the boil
> Boodoland Territorial Autonomous Districts (BTAD) consists of
> Kokrajar,,Chirang, Baksa,Udalguri. The demand for UDAYACHAL with violence
> did not materialise as the Bods comprise one third of BTAD. Besides in all
> the 11 Districts of Assam the Muslims are close to double the number of
> Bodos The Parliament announced that Bodos dream of independent State is
> impossible, because of their number strength There is almost zero rise in
> population of Bodos in comparison to the migrants
> growing phenomenally higher and influx of regular invasion of Muslims from
> accross the porous border  This has led them to exert on the alternatives
> of driving away of all the non Bodos, never to return back and thus to
> exert their identity.and thus ensure homogeneous Bodo land
> The conflict is to regain and control of lands now occupied by the Muslim
> migrants settlers from Bangladesh.and hence the migrants become the
> preferred targets of their anger.There is demographic imbalance, which
> is threatening the native, indigenous population for scarce land resources
> They want to  exclude the Muslim dominated areas from BTAD They also see
> growing prosperity of non Bodos, mostly the Bengali speaking migrants.
> which is fueling resentment. Then there is perpetual antagonism between
> Bodos and substantial population Bodo Adivasis in BTAD, These Adivasis also
> want their separate identity requesting to be excluded along with the Bodos
> The sporadic incidents of attack and arson are going on with regular
> frequency This years flare up is certainly not the bloodiest encounters in
> recent history
> The Muslims in Assam are gaining political foot fold with increase in
> their number of 18 representatives and at the moment is the largest party
> in the opposition The ascendancy of the AIUDF is a cause for concern,
> eventually may lead to holding of the post of C,M. Mr Gogoi is loath to
> project his three times victory at the hustings, which emboldens him
> into despondency and inaction.He has aligned with the Bodos to remain in
> power in the state. He has also conferred refugee status on large number of
> Bangladeshi Hindus to further his prospects in elections, as a vote bank
> guarantee Gogoi is actively promoting aspiration and ambitions of of his
> rising son on the political map of the State and this has alienated the
> close  confidants in the reckoning The Congress is seriously having second
> thoughts of his indispensability
> The Bodos set on fire Muslim settlements carmouflaged in CRPF military
> fatigues. Most of 71 plus dead are Muslims and the 4 lakhs in relief camps
> are frightened to return to their homes.The carnage of 4 people suspected
>  and 2 youths ABSMU was the trigger Later the outlawed, defunct militant
> outfit of NDFB forced the exodus with their mindless assault Their property
> is also looted. The outnumbered  police force is mince meat for the daring
> Bodo militants They are fully armed with automatic rifles and perhaps
> holding on their un surrendered  arms Unable to bear the atrocities the
> first organised response saw 4 Bodos being hacked  to death The attack on
> their shrine at Onthaibari provoked enhanced targeting.The Bodo Liberation
> Tigers tried to regain the burial ground from the Muslim immigrants, which
> aggravated the  already tense situation. the Muslims migrants are also in
> possession of arms  ostensibly for self defense There is no doubt that the
> State machinery ignored the warning of strong undercurrents waiting to
> explode and passing the buck Unless and until the migrants are identified
> and repatriated, however difficult the process, such flare ups will grow in
> intensity and greater damage of life and property
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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