At the end of 3 years
a long time seems 3 years
Ending the torrent of flood  in tears
Sentiments diminish on opening   the grave
 Wondering  aloud how attachements   to  save

Religious traditions , customs are  no  option now
To revered memory  of loved ones must  bow.
Gone too soon  but never so  far away
Presence around in absence felt everyday.

Belief and faith  gives the living the hope
The pain and agony of absence to cope
Illusive about demise  though the truth and fact
The prayerful attitude is best way to react

wish and pray for  your  dear ones
It is  a torture ,mental pain
 to endure
Possible  medical care does not  always ensure
When  injury is  grave none can assure.

Dreams ,plans often  end up in smoke
The last words resound that one spoke
Best to refrain, accuse or complain
The mystery  of destiny does  forever remain

The  gift of blessings   though brief do  cherish
Consolation   that one day  all will perish
The question is why some leave  too soon
Unfortunate clouds of darkness  set at noon

All plans , aspirations as  a dream remain
Unexpected short life it    is  futile crying in vain
The magnitude of unending  heartaches and pain
A monumental loss  on death hard   to recover fully  again

Memories however precious  in time fade
Will of God or destiny provide cover of shade
How long  can one  continue to mourn and grieve
End in  the grave will be the only   reprieve

Entombing  remains  an  attempt memory  to  survive
Visits of respects ,  adoration of niches love revive
 Treasured  sentiments  in  heart and mind
Pleasant  thoughts  arise to recall  and remind

 With daily routine  in life  bound to forget
Futile brooding  endlessly  over   chain of regret
The consolation that ĺife  one day will surely end
There is no ray of  light  at the turn  of  the bend .

Our  tragedy   be not assumed as worse
Apportion blame as restitution or curse
Accept  the burdens , cross in life   with joy
In gratitude for His mercy, rejoice and enjoy

a daunting task to predict birth and death
 life and death  starts and ends with a breath
Attempts  to decode the reasons why
Is out of bounds no matter how hard you try

It is wise  to adjust , accept and carry on
Futile to mourn eternally .when loved on is gone
Best to let the dead be at peace and rest
Guided by guilt complex and fear be not our quest

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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