                              JUSTICE FOR BISMARQUE

Letters been published in some of the section of press today 8th Jan 2016,
by Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcao from Margao, who doubts  that Bismarque
 death as  accidental drowning or not?  Whether he was force to drown or
really drown.
>From day one I have a feeling that Bismarque has been murdered and that
there are no proper scientific investigation done so far. Many people
have suggested that a foreign agency must be involved or an
expert committee investigating this case. So far it appears that
the Government is hell bent to bury this case as it is felt there is no
evidence to pursue the case any further.
Now it is a mystery to say who has consumed these 2 cartoons of beer? Will
it be Fr, Bismarque or these two boys?  or whether there were some other
people?  and why this angle was not investigated? Or could be the boys
emptied the bottles in the ground? A lie detector on those boys might give
some clues. Any ground samples were taken or any fingers prints of the beer
bottles  and cartoon boxes were taken? There are many other logical  points
which could have  been investigated. Just issuing negative reports from
Diatom, vest sample and post mortem  should not be the final answer.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula

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