Bab Felicio Cardozo

That was how everyone of his colleagues greeted him , when I was head of
Rosary High School Navelim   ,between 1982-84

I too followed the tradition and used the same salutation, as he was much
more senior and respectful individual, but very courteously, humbly
requested me to call him as Felicio, but I preferred to call him  Felicio
 Bab, as he richly deserved this courtesy during my stay there.

The memories came to me  in flood and torrent ,forcing me to recall his
characteristic personality with  sincere admiration. The topic  GUJ awards
for excellence in Journalism for 2012-18.For the  very first time, I am
conscious of award in Journalism in memory and honour of late Felicio Cardoz
for  Environmental  Journalism, which is a well reasoned  move to
perpetuate his memory

He was  always  respectful to the authority, reserving his right to
 express dissent and not for  once displayed arrogance of experience or
seniority or his privileged  position as an outstanding  freedom fighter.
He was not holding mandatory training qualification, which was relaxed by
Education Department. His classes were lively with interaction with
students in a relax setting .He did not follow the formal teaching methods.
It was his opinion, as he confided in me   that   he  would discontinue,
if  students were not in the mood . I silently avoided any comments on his
 approach of formal accepted methods .In  my personal conversation, I
understood that he was  Chief moderator and also head of paper setting in
Konkanni  over the years. He was also on Goa  Board syllabus and book
writing in Konkanni  as an expert. I  quietly  scrutinized his record,
 results in Kon Subject at SSC  over past years and  was pleasantly
surprised that for 5 times the students of RHS had topped the board in
Konkanni. There were no failures inKonkanni .  It was an enviable record.
On Teachers day  , presented him with  recognition for the first time and
he was surprised and humbled at this gesture. I persuaded him in vain to
accept his rightful   due of FF pension. and institute an award in Konkanni
 at RHS   Navelim.  Accepting it for any noble purpose would defeat his
principle of not availing it, he said..  He had his own views, beliefs of
forcing religious activities on any one .He refrained  from accompanying
students to Church on First Friday Eucharistic celebration , After much
persuasion ,he did relent much against his convictions and his
 acceptance,presence helped to maintain discipline and sent a silent
message, especially to all vulnerable, impressive young  minds .In my
tenure a Head in 10 DSE schools I have not encountered Kon teacher, who has
risen above the shoulders of Felicio Bab and matched his records or status
he held.,

 In his  incarceration in prison he used  prison term to  educate himself.
There was no formal training in Konkanni  as at present and still he had
his head high in all humility. His personal experience of  treatment of
prisoners was very distressful and humiliating treatment, which he
recounted to students on Goa liberation day. He was also deputed as guest
speaker on Goa Liberation day

One day he suddenly requested me to accompany him on a visit to a College,
much against my principles He introduced me to Principal Malar of Law
College, who handed me  a receipt  of admission to first year  of 3 years
of part time LL.B course, the fees having been paid by him. It was his gift
to me he said  and not refundable. I did not know how to react, as  it was  for
once intended to pursue such a course. Besides it was a school with 26
divisions in secondary section , in addition to Primary and pre Primary

My experience as Headmaster was just 3 years, I was wondering how I will
manage studies with a task at hand. I realized Felicio Bab had more faith
in me in my abilities perhaps I had in myself and I pursued it with all
seriousness, From second and third year without attending a single day, I
was ranked second in class, in the  second year and granted an award too. I
owe my LL.B qualifications to his vision and goal for me. On retirement I
worked as legal practitioner  for a limited period and enjoyed  the
diversion. I do not know how to ever record my gratitude and appreciation
even to this day

He was also a journalist of repute and Editor of Konkanni  daily, He
influenced me to write and translated it for publication in Konkanni
His humility is admirable with all his achievements as a teacher par
excellence, a self educated  educator, a journalist of repute an  Editor,
and a worthy human being and never flaunted his role as F F. He remained a
bachelor and a passed away in a tragic accident
BAB FELICIO CARDOZ leaves  indelible, memories entombed in our hearts and

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