Bank depositors  ignored

The demonetization had  nerve   shattering effect on the  bank depositors.
The long term gain and short term pain promised  is a myth confirmed. The
endless sufferings of waiting, dying and   rationing the use of their own
money is the worst experience post Independence. The frauds with ATM cards
and debiting twice etc are waiting solutions, which are detrimental to the
interests of  holders

The security and safety of deposits is limited to Rs one lakh per person of
all deposits in various branches and banks taken as a whole. It smacks of
authoritarian streak, to say that 97% OF DEPOSITORS  in India have less
than one lakh only and hence no need to increase the security beyond this
limit, The frauds and NPA`s to the tune of lakhs of crores and  there is
no  sign of ever recovering  this loot and plunder as they have fled the
country. and proceedings for repatriation/ deportation are locked in legal
formalities and are long drawn out affair.  The present situation all over
the country of ATM`s drying up is another warning bell .Whose money is
disbursed as advances and loans, without adequate collateral and recovery
by secularization? This is not the normal  practice when ordinary citizen
apply for loans and are considered ? It is an open secret that loans are
advanced   due to political influence, pressures and greasing the palms of
those concerned. The requirements are manipulated as it suits the
authorities. Forget about the charges or loans, services  the capital is
also at risk of recovery.

The depositors are taken for a  joy ride. The charges levied by the Banks
for various ,recently services rendered are excessive and exorbitant by all
counts, when earlier they were free. It is a great favour as BOI officer at
local bank states  that pass books are issued free, Are the Banks trying to
recover the losses by charging the captive depositors to ransom ? The
dipping interest rates making loans from Banks dirt cheap for
Industrialist, businessmen etc , whose products cost, priced does not in
any way reflect the cheap finances availed off. The depositors unions do
not seem to be too enamored to step in to protect the depositors interests.
The employees avail of one percent less for loans and also for deposits,
besides conferred with free services that normal depositors are denied.

The only alternative left with  depositors is to line up at banks all over
the country and withdraw the hard earned finances to send the message to
the Govt about the power of depositors’ to strike hard .It is advisable to
diversify into post offices savings. The constant advertisements of luring
  investors to the market  to try mutual funds for long term disappointment
should be considered as serious bait, much worst. TO GET REDRESS In SUCH
SITUATION IS WORSE THAN BANK DEPOSITS ,The unity of Bank depositors in
moving away from Banks as safe and secure investment outlets needs serious
thoughts under present conditions of uncertainty

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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