Bank privatisation
Parliament has introduced  bills on Bank privatisation of some
Nationalised  Banks, some of  which were  slated to be merged earlier
The interest of depositors is  at stake.Depositors  asdociations are
totally dormant. Should the depositors  be not taken into confidence  and
have  their say when the money is their hard earnings.
The Bank Unions are protesting to safeguard  their own intetests
carmouflaging as the voice of depositors .The  stiff charges by banks for
every facility and now for limited deposits  and withdrawals  in a month
are shocking
Depositors voice does not matter as they are not having the force of
collective  bargaining power .  Private banks do not care  for small
depositors as their motive is profit .Bank employees will have their
performance on strict watch and will be held accountable and responsible,
which they fear most.Govt does  not own the Banks to act unilaterally
without hearing the depositors .Why were the Banks Nationalised, then
unions were up in arms and now their laments are opposite
Most of the malaise facing the Banks is NPA and bad loans . Remember
Malaya  and other defaulters  wete given loans by consortorium of 17 Banks
without adequate co lateral security and it was an
abuse of power vested in them  Has any Bank Execurive   a Govt. Nominee as
the Director appointed by Govt.  faced the consequences?Depisitors even for
legitimate,small loans face insurmountable hurdles,delays and documentation
and in case of default suject to recovery by auctions.Govt extends  help
in capitalisations of bad debts,  once again from tax payers money
In case of merger the insurance cover will be combined  into one
only.Recently in case of frauds Banks are directing victims to file  police
complaints while washig their liability completely.
It is time to raise  questios are Banks safe at all  for depositors ? .In
moves of Govt to privatisation,  merger in  Nationalise Banks  the
depositors are  ignored and taken for a sweet ride.Bank Nationalisations
had helped small businessman to prosper  to own vehicles , houses,and
modernise their businesses.and such loans were more secure and recovery
almost hundred percent . It is big business  sharks that have increased
NPA  by defaulting on payment
Depositors must raise their voice   as politicians  are known to have
coerced B ankers to  extend loans even  on phones to their cronies  .Govt
intentions to put depositors at the mercy  of  private investors  is clear.
Wonder how the post offices will functions as Banks in near future with
privatisation of Nationalised  Banks is on active considerations

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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