For the moment, Election 2022 is bringing to the forefront all the fault
lines in the party. In 2017, it was not the Christians, but OBC Hindus who
swung away from the BJP, routing many of its leaders and bringing down its
tally from 21 to 13. In 2022, it is a resurgent MGP and an AAP that is
causing it heartburn. Several of its scattered, disgruntled cadres that
left following largescale induction of candidates from other parties have
joined the AAP.

The BJP’s single-minded import of winning candidates from every party has
angered its loyalists, leading to an implosion. In the past month it
inducted MLAs Jayant Salgaonkar of the GFP, Ravi Naik of the Congress, and
independents Govind Gaude and Rohan Khaunte.

During the assembly term, Vishwajit Rane, Dayanand Sopte and Subhash
Shirodkar of the Congress, and Manohar Azgaonkar and Deepak Pauskar of the
MGP were inducted. In 2019, of the 10 MLAs from the Congress who defected
to the BJP, six were Christians led by Panjim legislator Atanasio

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