
Greetings to you all,
Another year has come and fleetingly gone.
Goanet has been a a site I  enjoyed for some years now.
Thanks due to Frederick Noronha for the tremendous effort
he devotes to ensure that we get the news and other info.
which we all  enjoy.
Thanks to JoeGoaUk  the elusive photo-journalist who provides
us videos and pictures of Goa happenings which takes me Goa
the beaches, the feasts, the tiatrs, etc postings that makes me feel
as if I am there watching the goings on.
The crisp alive pictures of Rajan Parrikar with the technical details,settings 
Lastly but not the least to our activist Advocate Aires Rodrigues for his 
to bring to our notice the incorrigibly corrupt politicians who just go on doing
what they have been doing all along. I dont think its a ‘voice in the 
because it must have some effect among some of the them.
Also  to all the other contributors who make Goanet  a forum for discussions.
I enjoy contributing my tuppence worth to give a ‘different slant’  to the site.

Finally thanks to all the subscribers who make it all  worthwhile.

Happy New Year!!

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