For the week which passed (17/7/21-14) when I was alive on Planet Earth.

Gravely speaking, in some ways Goans are the tops. You know what I mean!

I don't understand it and never did while I sojourned in Goa.

What is this magic potion which lights the fire of unquenchable love
of the Congress for the BJP. And, of course, it is a two-way street.

Eat you heart out Goa Forward Party. What good fun!

All is fair in love and war and politics. You, too, formed an alliance
with the BJP but they don't love you and might even seek a divorce in
the near future.

A feint light of hope was flickering when the late Chief Minister's
son claimed the value of loyalty was lost after the death of his

The love Parrikar's son feels for his father is admirable but as they
say, love is blind.

It was his father who prized non-BJP MLAs more than BJP MLAs - and
some were of extremely suspicious character - to his own BJP elected

He rewarded them by making them a minister and providing upward
mobility, much to the rightful dislike and disapproval of seniors in
the BJP as well as ordinary BJP workers.

Sad but true, Mr Parrikar's son. Love is wonderful but we need to
accept facts otherwise you know what happens.

With the latest exodus from the Congress Party - a total of 10
turncoats - the grand score of turncoats is now 27. Impressive,
indeed, you have to admit Mr Girish Chodankar.

And, Ms Sonia Gandhi and Mr Rahul Gandhi if you like Goa and feel at
home in this westernized and liberal part of India - I hope you are
not disappointed!

Of the latest generation of 10 turncoats, 8 are Roman Catholics
although not a single one had the name of Judas embossed on his Adhar

With a motley 5 Congress members on display, it was Mr Pratap Singh
Rane - several times over Chief Minister who took the cake (and
bebinca, too) - when he remarked that the Congress turncoats had only
joined the BJP and had not gone to heaven!

It was humor singed with sadness as we recall his son Rane Jr joining
the BJP a couple of years ago much to the embarrassment of his father.
As his well educated and cultured father observed, we are adults and
it was Viswajit's decision.

For Rane Jr obviously BJP is heaven indeed. Like father, like son? Not
in this case.

Voters of all parties need to thank Mr Pratap Singh Rane for reminding
them the shadow of death is around the corner, always.

A grave observation, no doubt.

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