Senhor Dotor dos Reis Falcao e meu caro amigo Bernado Colaco bab!

Magtam tumcam boree saude anee bolaikee Donia Deva lagee - FELIZ NOVIDADE!

Este não é o momento de dar o melharuco para o tat quando nós nos lembramos que o saviour estêve carregado para nós. Todo o Goans, se o Hindu, os muçulmanos ou os protestants têm que juntar forças e livrar Goa dos evils e dos perils nós enfrentamos.

É hora de manter nosso "orgulho" e de prejudicá-lo de lado e ajudá-lo reter o que quer que está à esquerda de Goa.

(If translated in English it would mean: This is not the time to give tit for tat when we remind ourselves that the saviour was

born for us. All Goans, whether Hindu, Muslims or protestants have to join forces and rid Goa from the evils and perils we face.

It is time to keep our pride and prejudice aside (Bhamon, Chamar and Marr to be one) and help to retain whatever is left of Goa”)

Amchee Mae muntalee (our mother would say) “Mal-criado”, ateek maeucho nah amcho mundkar – I am sure none of us fall in that category.

However, those brought up in Jesuit schools are focussed or rather made to focus and FOCUS is what we Goans need – not fight with one another.

We need to learn from our fellow Mangaloreans and Keralites the meaning of unity – which is best described like the fish tied to a string –

NISHTANCHEE GHATOO. We need to get rid of that tall poppy syndrome, knee jerk reaction and aum vodloh as a New Year 2011 resolution.

Once again MARY’S CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 – Let us stop bickering (like whinging Pomees.

Every ethnically Indian has to have little bit of Mahatma Gandhi in our hearts – otherwise we are a lost community going astray in a maze of fine

distinction of education, wealth, Caste and Creed.

Oscar C. Lobo JP




Cut the stress and deliver results; together we can make a difference if we want to.

-----Original Message-----
From: Santosh Helekar
Sent: Thursday, 23 December 2010 1:19 PM

I am trying to figure out why we hear this grunting and barking on

Goanet from these non-Indians.



On Dec 22, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis

Falcão<> wrote:



> Bernado Colaco wrote : <<<Now I understand why Santos Helekar chirps a lot, he

> spends lots of time with  the

> birds!  BC >>>


> <<< I concur with Dr. Santos

> Helekar.  Just incase someone from

> this mini list does not know who is Dr.

> Helekar, visit this link: Season's Greetings. Gaspar Almeida >>>




> COMMENT : Tenha compaixão Sr. Bernado.

> After all, spending hours, days, months and years, studying ‘Complex behaviour

> and disorders’ in birds; there is need of some place for displacement. Goanet

> in this case. Otherwise like I quoted once before : “ He who sleeps with the

> dog, shall rise with the fleas”.





> Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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