The movement of Anna Hazare is slowly turning out to be a joke with all
sorts of characters jumping onto the bandwagon and painting themselves
holier than thou - politicians, businessmen,actors and now builders. What



Builders start protest in Belapur for Anna, end at hypocrisy****

Published: Sunday, Aug 21, 2011, 10:00 IST | Updated: Sunday, Aug 21, 2011,
1:45 IST ****

By Kishore Rathod | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA ****

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They may be the pillars of corruption in India, routinely demanding 50% of
the payment in black, but the builder fraternity thinks nothing of coming
out on the streets to join Anna Hazare’s crusade against corruption.****

A delegation of more than 50 developers staged a morcha in Belapur under the
banner of Maharashtrian Builders’ Association in Belapur, to voice their
support for Anna.****

Barely a few hundred metres from the site of the morcha is the major
commercial project of one of the leading members of the association, where
the first thing the marketing executive tells potential buyers is that 50%
of the payment will have to be made in black.****

Prakash Baviskar, co-chairperson, Maharashtrian Builders’ Association,
justifies the double-standards. “Taking payment in black and supporting
Anna’s cause are two different issues,” said Baviskar. He explains that
builders first have to pay farmers and land owners in black to save the
‘poor’ people from heavy taxes and then, they have to accept payments in
black to rightfully exempt themselves from taxes.****

“The rate of income tax is 30% and our profit is just 15%. If we receive the
entire amount in white, we will have to put money out of our pocket to
execute projects,” Baviskar said.****

Buyers, of course, are not impressed by the argument.****

“After being the biggest perpetrators of corruption, when builders are
giving sound bytes against corruption, it not only sullies Anna’s cause, but
also rubs salt in the wounds of home buyers,” said local resident Hitesh

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