I was extremely taken aback when I witnessed this in Goa !!!!!


I was on a short holiday and decided to see a konkanni play  MAINK LAGON at 
G.V.N. Hall, Margao on the 17th Jan 2010. I went to the counter to buy a 
current ticket and was told that only the back seats in the balcony were 
available . Just then three men come to the counter and offer me the front 
seats which are normally sold at Rs. 70.00 for Rs. 100.00. Being new to the 
place and not knowing the rates , I asked the man selling tickets at the 
counter if they were genuine tickets and the rate was perfect. He told me that 
those tickets were perfect. I bought the tickets and went into the auditorium. 
The people sitting next to me asked me if I had bought the ticket earlier or on 
the spot. 


I was shocked to know that these touts buy the good seats earlier and sell them 
in BLACK under the very nose of the authorities of premises. I could not act as 
I was there only for a day more .It should be SHAME for the director of the 
play to get wide publicity by this type of action .


My question is :


1. Can they not stop this happening in Goa ????


2. Are the staff operating hand in hand with these touts ?? Can these staff be 
taken into task for not reporting this matter to the authorities ??? 


3. Can some activitists get up and take necesary action to stop this , so that 
our Goan people can come and pass their time from a busy life happily  ???



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