Lopsided priorities of CM Parrikar
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at gmail.com
SMS to 9422437029

It has been two and half months since Manohar Parrikar has been sworn in as the chief minister of Goa. People of this small state had very high expectation of this man as he did a pretty good job of exposing the wrong policies of the than ruling coalition in legislative assembly. Goans seemed to have been convinced that Parrikar was a changed man compared to 2002 and gave the administration in his hands. He did start on the right note but as today he seems to have got his priorities all entangled.

From the day and time he was sworn in he has been promising he would find an
amicable solution to the Medium of Instruction issue within two weeks. Sadly, we have reached the threshold of a new academic year and chief minister Manohar Parrikar is still dilly-dallying over the matter. He ought to know that future of the state and the country lies in the hands of the children and should have given top most priority but his focus is more on having a new airport at Mopa. MOI issue had to be decided long time back because the syllabus has to be drawn up, text books have to be printed, orientation and training of teachers have to undertaken and completed before the new academic year commences. But that does not seem to the immediate priority of the chief minister.

Even if chief minister Parrikar decides to stick by the old policy of grant in aid only to those schools who adopt mother tongue as MOI, then other stake holders or parents should have been given time to knock on the doors of the High Court to resolve the issue once and for all. But given the stand of Manohar Parrikar along with BBSM his ‘please all settlement’ is likely to be one-sided and those parents demanding English as medium of instruction are likely to be left in a lurch atleast for another year.

Then parents of unaided schools have been trying to seek an appointment with the chief minister who also holds the Education portfolio to explain to him how managements of these schools are fleecing them by charging unapproved fees, how progress cards of students of protesting parents are being held back for non payment of illegal fees but Manohar Parrikar does not have the time to give an appointment to hear the aggrieved parents. Of course he has the time to meet Dabolim MLA’s supporters wanting to join the BJP.

Secondly it has been noticed that chief minister Parrikar tom-toms about continuous governance very selectively. When it comes to airport at Mopa, he says the process and procedures were put in motion by the Congress before 2002 and for the last seven years it was kept alive again by the Congress led coalition government and he is only carrying it forward. But Congress government had also mooted sea-link between port town and capital city which he has scrapped as not viable in a true Manohar Parrikar style - one man show. He has also cancelled PPP project as it is not in the interest of the state and its people and this was also a decision of the former government. In case of Mopa airport hundreds of people have voiced their opinion opposing it. Even the expert committee report have widely delved into why Mopa is not a good site for an airport besides other observation like two airports are not feasible for a small state of Goa, but still he wants to bulldoze all opinions, endorse his views and do his will.

While on the aspect of airport at Mopa which according to the chief minister will take almost five years to be commissioned, Capital city of Panjim, commercial capital of Goa Margao are crying for bus stands. The current situation at these bus stands is pathetic. The sheds are leaking during rains. Illegal activities like prostitution, accepting matka bets are taking place. There have been cases of robberies and even murders at Panjim bus stand. There are no proper toilet facilities, people and cattle alike blatantly urinate and defecate inside the premises. But chief minister does see any urgency in repairing, renovating or constructing new bus stands and bringing about much needed discipline for our own people. Here he might hide behind his budget saying that he has made provisions for it. Ironically that is not enough for us, we need its implementation. We the people of Goa need relief.

Chief minister is least bothered in bringing about a change in the functioning of Kadamba Transport Corporation (KTC) which has become a bane and a pain for office goers. Chief minister is yet to apply his mind to bringing about a change in this sector. Similar is the case with the health sector, there are no sufficient beds and linen to cover our sick, there are no medicines to be given free of cost to the needy. Manohar Parrikar’s government is moving at a snail’s pace over these issues.

Our markets all over state lie in an unhygienic conditions, encroachments on pavement are galore, drains are clogged, there is no system to clear and dispose garbage. Truck terminus in Margao set-up by the previous government is in a state of decay. Waste waters are directed into natural water bodies like ponds and rivers but this government is yet to decide on bringing about or enforcing cleanliness in these areas.

Chief minister should have made these issues his priorities before even thinking about pursuing to have an ultra modern international airport at Mopa. Manohar Parrikar should have alleviated the hardship and pain of the common man, parents and students for the first two years of his term and shown results. But immediately venturing on his pet project has made Goans vary of him and his lopsided priorities. (ENDS)

First published in Gomantak Times, Goa - May 17, 2012

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