Stand Up, Speak Up: The brave shall inherit Goa
By Ethel Da Costa

Knock….knock, knock ….is the persistent drumming on my door early morning. Pissed to be dragged off my cup of tea on a Sunday morning -- my I-don’t-care-to-be-disturbed day of rest, especially if it’s a neighbourhood political wannabe trooping around these days who has suddenly discovered your existence – I storm to my door and peek out of the peep hole to give the intruder a thunderous piece of my mind. The sight is distorted. I rub my eyes, rub the dust off the peek hole… the vision is still distorted, I peer again ..concentrating…What I see is unexpected…That’s no smiling neta. I almost think it’s a slip of the eye…On a Sunday? Really? I see the familiar face….but why am I alarmed? And the pounding of my heart, did it just catch a breath in my chest? I pull on the door chain, cautious, and open the door…It couldn’t be. Not on a Sunday. I’ve had a hard week. Come on. But it is…..and I can’t shut the door, like you would knock a sales man off your doormat. It is a moment when the merry chirping of birds greeting the early morning, drops dead silent, instinct requiring a moment to decide: flee or fight.

I’m usually the fight person, so I open the door wide… A familiar nod of mutual respect, no words of greeting required. I go back to my tea, now limp cold in my steaming cup. I pour another for my Sunday visitor….and wait…in silence. There are no words needed for kindred spirits..

I see twitching of the fingers as the hand reaches out for the cup…I help. It must have been a long walk, knowing the pathetic state of transportation in the State. Have you noticed that the desperate improvement of this vital infrastructure has not featured on any political manifesto so far? Sure, they want to change the language we speak and teach?!! .. My mind shoots off, rambling, crunching the political paperwork I have been reading off my desk these days. My visitor fidgets, finally looking me straight in the eye to arrest my attention… ’Why have you been silent?’ She finally asks me. ’I have been listening to your anguish, and seeing the distorted threads of your dreams’…’You, who see so clearly…why are you silent?’ ’Comforting yourself with monotony and writing tears of anguish into empty pages’….’Why are you silent, child?’ In reflex I almost turn to snap…but my tongue is alien in my mouth…lifeless. The warm tea doing nothing to beat life into it.

She torments, ’I heard your anguish tears the day the waters of Calvin swallowed the lives of our little children.’ ’Yes, my heart cried, but you were sobbing, so loud, I had to pause the tide flowing coursing its way across the belly of Goa.’ ’And your anger...your rage…it never fails to make me smile, because you don’t give up.’ ’I had to come see you.’ ’Yes, on your Sunday, to make you understand that it has to come to pass.’ ’For man’s greed and abandonment of his spiritual greatness will exert the toll from the innocent…on the soil you love so much.’ ’Those little children are safe, don’t grieve.. but I cannot promise you that your Goa is safe. It has to come to pass.’ ’And it is not your fault.’ ’But I have come to tell you that the brave will have to stand up, stand guard, for it is who you are, because you see clearly’…

Since my last column went to print, much has changed of my beloved Goa. And in retaliation, so have I. Like a child fighting with her mother, the very evils we wrote of, lashed about, spoken freely in foresight have stolen the sleep from our eyes. We have laid our little children into their early graves, we have abused our young women into frightening adulthood, we have turned our streets into killer neighbourhoods, we have dug up our forests into death traps, waiting to break open and swallow us alive…The people we love into an existence of selfishness, where friendships and loyalty are measured by how many parties you attend and who you suck up to. Celebrating mediocrity of thought, art and life as a norm…Jostling for foot space to be noticed in newspapers, insecure about who gets the best seat at the front row, who drives the best-est wheels, which latest technology their brats take to school. Yes, I have been silent…watching, fretting, watching…waiting…let them all go to hell.

But Goa and her young, those I meet when I meet them, over a lecture at a college class, a meeting room, my work or chill space, looking for inspiration, looking to aspire, looking for a spark that will sing with my soul. Will YOU, young Goa, be the voice of Goa’s anguish? To put your foot down and say, ’We’ve had enough?’ WTF?’

I raise two young in my own home. I seek everyday to see a reflection of who we are in their eyes, to know if I can be privy to the adulthood that awaits them. Have I done enough? Do I need to do more? The parents of Calvin, I know for certain, had a dream for their own, for the toughest test of life is parenthood. Because your children are a reflection of who you are. But have we done justice to our parent, Goa? She, who nurtures us, feeds us milk and honey everyday, shelters us from the evils of overt materialism with a deep rooted bonding of family, heritage, respect, culture… now to be over-run by a bunch of social psychopaths masquerading as Goa’s leaders, who want to determine the future of Goa and her people? What bullshit! Yes, we have been silent!! Too long, too comfortable, too bloody quiet. So, while we happily sold our homes and our land, felt comfortable counting the notes in the bank and gazing at fancy cars outside our parking lots (because courtyards don’t exist anymore), we forgot to teach our children, watching us, what truly matters in life. Self Respect. Our fundamental right to say `NO’ to the corruption of our souls. So, while the death of our young children can never replace the empty hole in our hearts with the petty compensation the government dolls out to you, (2 lakhs?! Seriously?) like alms to the wounded, while they rape, loot, defile, spit on the very ground you live, walk and then finally rest in.. DON’T LOOK THE OTHER WAY. Don’t run home tsk tsk and say, `Thank God it’s them’ and not you. For karma is a bitch. She bites you when you least expect, having seen how we, who once beat our breasts and cried about being niz goenkars, now shine our remodelled teeth into trigger happy photo journos selling their wares to sundry rags for a living. Selling whatever that is left of our homes, after the robbers have bolted with the loot, in exchange for prestige, petty short-lived glory, page 3 paid inserts and awards. Goa, I’ve had enough!! And I know, so have you.

So, I ask you, the robust Young and the thinking Women of our State, will you really make the difference at the electoral poll like everyone expects you to? Will the educated rise to claim a past that belonged to their forefathers, for a future where caste and class will obliterate into able leadership? Where our rivers will flow no more carrying the guilt of our crimes and our forests will breathe, greeting every dawn with a celebration of life? It is a stirring…even if violent, with a clarity of purpose. Because it has come to pass.

She sat silently as words flowed out of my fingers….sipping tea from the cup that never seemed to run dry. ’It will come to pass,’ her eyes comfort me. ’Because Man is gifted with Free Will by God.’ ’The future is moulded by the decisions of Now and who we want to be.’ ’That is the destiny of Goa,’ she hums in my ear. ’The brave will guard the dark.’ ’For in them rests the light of purpose and our hope.’ ’The teacher is ready, the students will now follow…’

If we have taught our children well, they will make the difference at Goa’s ballot box.

I know for sure, my Sundays will now never be the same again.    (ENDS)

First published in the Times of India, Goa - March 3, 2012

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