[Excerpts from an article written some time back, which may be relevant in
Goa in view of the recent Savarkar naming controversy that has come up
here, see below.]

Footsoldiers in Search of an Icon
By Subhash Gatade

"The epitaph for the RSS
volunteer will be that he was
born, he joined the RSS and
died without accomplishing
anything." --V. D. Savarkar
(D.V.Kelkar, "The R.S.S."
Economic Weekly ( 4 Feb 1950:
132) Page 36, The Brotherhood
in Saffron,The RSS and The
Hindu Revivalism, Andersen and
Damle,Vistaar, 1986, Delhi)

Veer Savarkar was a Veer Purush
who was not scared of death. He
was a Shastra Upasak and
Shaasrta Upasak: Shri Narendra
Modi, May 29, 2013

Celebrations at the central hall of Parliament are a marker
of the political ambience in the country.

The change of guard at the centre was very much visible at
the place recently where the entire top brass of BJP
including PM Narendra Modi were present to celebrate the
birth anniversary of Savarkar. Modi described Savarkar as a
prolific writer, poet and social reformer. "Tributes to Veer
Savarkar on his birth anniversary. We remember and salute his
tireless efforts towards the regeneration of our motherland."

People would recall that normally it used to be a low-key
event. Last year, the celebrations were further muted. Only
few prominent leaders of the BJP were present there. The
ascendance of BJP led government had clearly made the

          A trip down memory lane would tell us that even for
          the Sangh Parivar and its affiliated organisations
          this has not been the case always. The iconisation
          of Savarkar in the Parivar is not very old. Late
          nineties when Shiv Sena-BJP ran a coalition
          government in Maharashtra they did not even think
          of putting his portrait in the state the assembly.
          For them this discovery of Savarkar happened during
          the BJP led NDA regime at the centre (1998-2004).

Perhaps neither Modi nor any of his cabinet colleagues, most
of whom started their social political life in the RSS or
Rashtra Sevika Samity (which is meant for women of the
Hindutva brigade), would like to remember today that they are
singing paens to the man who when alive had castigated the
Hedgewars-Gurujis -- founders and pioneers of RSS -- and
their Swaymsevaks umpteen times ( Sample the quote above) and
the Hedgewars-Golwalkars had also returned the compliment in
the same vein.

Even a cursory glance at the trajectory of Hindu Mahasabha
under the leadership of Savarkar or the way in which RSS
unfolded itself during those days makes it quite clear that
the differences in priorities between the two organisations
was already visible from the day Savarkar was elected
president of the Hindu Mahasabha after his release from jail (1937).

In a sympathetic study of RSS "The Brotherhood in Saffron,The
RSS and The Hindu Revivalism," the authors Andersen and Damle
clearly explain (Page 40, Vistaar, 1986, Delhi) that in fact
Savarkar's emphasis was on turning Mahasabha into a political
party in opposition to the Congress when Hedgewar's had
already decided to insulate RSS from any active politics and
concentrate on 'cultural work'. Hedgewar and later Golwalkar
also neither wanted to be associated with a formation whose
confrontational activities would place the RSS in direct
opposition to the Congress. According to him there were
apprehensions regarding each other's role in the Hindu
Unification Movement. The souring of relations between the
two organisations is visible in a angry letter issued by
Savarkar’s office in 1940 advising that

          "...when there is such a serious conflict at a
          particular locality between any of the branches of
          the Sangh RSS and the Hindu Sabhaites that actual
          preaching is carried out against the Hindu
          Mahasabha..., then the Hindu Sabhaites should
          better leave the Sangh ...and start their own Hindu
          Sabha volunteer corps. (Letter from V.D.Savarkar to
          S.L.Mishra, 3 March 1943, Savarkar files, Bombay)"

Definitely the fact that this 'Veer Patriot' (to quote title
of a write-up which appeared in 'Panchajanya' sometime back
discussing Savarkar) died a lonely man abhorred especially by
the thriving 'Parivar' then, which made special efforts to
maintain distance from him in those days, did not bother
these 'legatees' then. It did not pertrub their conscience a
bit that it took more than thirty four long years after his
death that they ultimately decided to claim their lineage
from this pioneer of the Hindutva project.

Just to recapitulate, a decade back, when the Vajpayi led NDA
was ousted out and UPA I led by Congress, had assumed reins
of power a controversy had erupted about removal of
Savarkar's plaque from Port Blair's cellular jail where
Savarkar was jailed, Vikram Savarkar, Savarkar's own nephew
in an interview to a national daily exposed BJP's lack of
interest in him and castigated them for their sudden love for
him. (Savarkar nephew hits out at BJP, August 30, 2004,
Indian Express)

It may be noted that he had accused the senior leaders of the
BJP for 'keeping mum despite noticing the removal of his
uncle's quotations from Port Blair’s Cellular Jail'.
According to him Ram Kapse, the then incumbent Lt. Governor
of Andaman and Nicobar and former M.P Ram Naik (both BJP
workers) "...did not utter a word when the plaque was
removed." The report further says that '...he is not
surprised at BJP's lack of interest in Savarkar.' "We know
very well that the BJP and RSS did not appreciate his
(Savarkar's) philosophy." The report further says that
'(Vikram) Savarkar insists BJP's sudden love for the legend
is an eyewash.' "It is an effort to woo voters for the
Assembly elections in Maharashtra."


          "Many people worked with the inspiration to free
          the country by throwing the British out. After
          formal departure of the British this inspiration
          slackened. In fact there was no need to have this
          much inspiration. We should remember that in our
          pledge we have talked of the freedom of the country
          through defending religion and culture. There is no
          mention of departure of the British in that." --
          M.S. Golwalkar alias Golwalkar Guruji (Sri Guruji
          Samgra Darshan, Volume IV, p.2)

          "In 1942 also there was a strong sentiment in the
          hearts of many. At that time too the routine work
          of Sangh continued. Sangh decided not to do
          anything directly." -- M.S. Golwalkar alias
          Golwalkar Guruji (Sri Guruji Samgra Darshan, p.41)

Ofcourse even a layperson can understand that this 'discovery
of Savarkar' which happened in late 90s or or the first
decade of the 21st centu and the memory recall experienced
by the RSS brigade vis-a-vis Savarkar did not have spiritual
but purely temporal considerations. As an aside it need be
mentioned here that Savarkar's portrait was unveiled in the
Parliament in the year 2003 -- exactly five years after they
BJP came to power at the centre. It is clear that apart from
the immediate task on hand this complete claim over Savarkar
serves a larger purpose for them and it relates to their
utter compromising role during the anti-colonial struggle.

          Everybody knows that the RSS came into being in the
          mid-twenties when the anticolonial struggle was
          surging ahead but preferred to keep itself aloof
          from this upsurge and concentrate on its supposedly
          'cultural work'. Not even once during this
          twenty-plus year journey till we reached
          independence did it give any call specifically
          opposing the Britishers, rather it penalised those
          activists who wanted to participate in the people's
          movement for freedom. Even its founder Mr Hedgewar
          went to jail only once after the founding of RSS
          and that also under the Congress banner.

It has been well documented how sheepish their behaviour was
during those days when even the secret reports of the
Britishers did not write anything averse about them. The
Britishers even ‘appreciated’ their immediate compliance when
they were ordered to stop military type training in the late
30s. Not content with their opposition / non-participation in
the independence movement, they even made special efforts to
break the broad anti imperialist unity of the Indian people
by dividing them on communal lines.

Anybody can vouch that this 'controversial past' of theirs
cannot be erased from public memory. The 'iconisation' and
the 'glorification' of Savarkar thus serves a dual purpose.
The projection of Savarkar as a great freedom fighter and
claiming lineage from him whitewashes the 'Parivar's' silence
during those stormy days then and Savarkar's later
transformation from a nationalist into a Hindutva Supremacist
serves them equally well.

          It is also evident that there are many aspects of
          Savarkar's life which they find rather
          discomforting. In fact, it would not be incorrect
          to state that they find themselves in a Catch 22
          situation while defending him e.g. The controversy
          surrounding the clemency petitions sent by Savarkar
          to the Britishers for his release while he was in
          the Andamans still simmers. While his detractors
          have been able to show his clearcut surrender
          before the Britishers by presenting documentary
          proofs which includes Savarkar's own petitions his
          die hard supporters have rather adopted a more
          'flexible' strategy to buttress their case.
          Initially they challenged the veracity of his
          clemency petitions themselves but when that could
          not be sustained they have portrayed the whole
          exercise as a tactical move on his part to get out
          of jails so that he could join the struggle
          outside. In fact this whole exercise to discover
          'tactics' behind Savarkar's petitions for clemency
          are a great insult to the memory of those known and
          unknown revolutionaries who braved heavy odds to
          persist in their struggle many of which embraced
          death rather than seek amnesty.

Definitely there are many loopholes in this defence. One is
surprised to find that a leader of his stature whose heroic
deeds in the prime of his youth for the cause of freedom
struggle had electrified the nation had started sending
letters of apology and demanding amnesty immediately after
being sent to Andamans as part of his punishment for life

He even disregarded the fact that an All India Defence
Committee had already come up for his release and the
Congress Party then had urgently taken up his case before the
British regime. But as the book 'Penal Settlement in
Andamans' by Mr R.C. Mazumdar (Gazetteers Unit, Department of
Culture, Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt of
India, 1975, P.221) vividly demonstrates he was really so
demoralised with the tough conditions existing there that he
promised to serve the government in any capacity in exchange
of his release.

Sample this concluding part of a mercy petition which
Savarkar personally presented to Sir Reginald Craddock, Home
Member of the Government of India when he came to visit
Cellular Jail in 1913 (November 14, 1913). The mercy petition
concluded with the following words:

          I am ready to serve the Government in any capacity
          they like, for as my conversion is conscientious so
          I hope my future conduct would be. The Mighty alone
          can afford to be merciful and therefore where else
          can the prodigal son return but to the parental
          doors of the Government. (R.C. Mazumdar, op cit. Page 213)

The assassination of one of the noblest sons of the Indian
people namely Mahatma Gandhi and the role played by Savarkar
in it has also been a major controversy revolving about it.
Despite enough evidence to show that he had a hand in the
conspiracy to kill the Mahatma, his supporters have glossed
over all the facts on mere technical grounds.

The Kapur commission also examined Savarkar's role in the
assassination. As things had unfolded in the trial court of
Atma Charan, Godse had claimed full responsibility for
planning and carrying out the attack, in absence of an
independent corroboration of the prosecution witness. Here
Badge's testimony was not accepted as it lacked lacked
independent corroboration. This was later corroborated by the
testimony of two of Savarkar's close aides -- Appa
Ramachandra Kasar, his bodyguard, and Gajanan Vishnu Damle,
his secretary, who had not testified in the original trial
but later testified before the Justice Kapur commission set
up in 1965. Kasar told the Kapur Commission that they visited
him on or about January 23 or 24, which was when they
returned from Delhi after the bomb incident. Damle deposed
that Godse and Apte saw Savarkar in the middle of January and
sat with him (Savarkar) in his garden.

Justice Kapur concluded: "All these facts taken together were
destructive of any theory other than the conspiracy to murder
by Savarkar and his group."

A few other crucial aspects of his personality which could
help us in reaching a balanced conclusion have either not
been considered or have been dropped as irrelevant for the
debate. It is time one revisits some of these aspects and
also take a fresh look at his weltanschauung (world view)
through which many of the tragic as well as bloody events in
the history of Independent India can be foretold.

          In fact the myth makers engaged in building a
          'halo' around Savarkar about his 'bravery' do not
          want to uncover that he preceded Jinnah in
          propounding the 'two nation theory'. If Jinnah is
          portrayed as a 'villain' in the popular imagery
          supposedly for demanding partition how it is proper
          to wrap Savarkar in the garb of hero if he was the
          one who forcefully laid down the principle much
          before him. The presidential address delivered by
          him in Ahmedabad at the 19th session of the Hindu
          Mahasabha in 1937 not only explained his
          understanding of Hindutva but also declared that
          India comprises of two nations.

According to him there are two antagonistic nations living
side by side in India, several infantile politicians commit
the serious mistake in supposing that India is already welded
into a harmonious nation, or that it could be welded thus for
the mere wish to do so. These our well meaning but unthinking
friends take their dreams for realities. That is why they are
impatient of communal tangles and attribute them to communal
organizations. But the solid fact is that the so-called
communal questions are but a legacy handed down to us by
centuries of cultural, religious and national antagonism
between the Hindus and Moslems ... India can not be assumed
today to be a unitarian and homogeneous nation, but on the
contrary there are two nations in the main : the Hindus and
the Moslems, in India. --V.D.Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar
Wangmaya Hindu Rasthra Darshan (Collected works of
V.D.Savarkar) Vol VI, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona,
1963, p 296

It is now history how in 1942 when the Britishers were
engaged in the World War II and the Congress's call for 'Quit
India' reverberated throughout India, thousands of people
engaged in government jobs including police and military left
their jobs to protest continuation of British regime. It is
worth noting that while the RSS preferred to keep itself
aloof from the 'Quit India Movement' and concentrate on its
divisive agenda when the broad masses of the Indian people
were fighting the Britishers the pioneer theoretician of the
project of Hindu Rashtra went one step further.

At that time 'Veer' Savarkar preferred to tour India asking
Hindu youth to join the military with a call 'Militarise the
Hindus, Hinduise the nation'. While on one hand Subhash
Chandra Bose was engaged in building Indian National Army to
fight the Britishers and on the other hand this Veer of a
different kind was unashamedly strengthening British efforts
to suppress the rising tide of people's movement.

It is interesting that the myth makers of Hindu Rashtra never
forget to talk about Subhash Bose's alleged meeting with
Savarkar before he proceeded for Germany communicating a
sense that Bose's effort had Savarkar's blessing. But they
never try to wriggle themselves out of this contradiction
that while Savarkar 'blessed' the formation of Indian
National Army, he himself was helping the Britishers to find
recruits for their army. The rationale provided to justify
Savarkar's help in this war effort is convoluted.

It was during the same period that when anti-imperialist
forces led by Congress and other radical sections of society
were waging a 'Do or Die' struggle against the Britishers,
the Hindu Mahasabha under Savarkar's leadership was running
coalition governments in Sind and Bengal sharing power with
Muslim league. And while at the level of rhetoric Savarkar
had unleashed an attack against the composite, inclusive
nationalism of such forces and had no qualms in categorising
them for their 'appeasement of Muslims', at the practical
level he was busy unashamedly defending this power sharing

          in practical politics also the Mahasabha knows that
          we must advance through reasonable compromises.
          Witness the fact that only recently in Sind, the
          Sind Hindu Sabha on invitation had taken the
          responsibility of joining hands with the League
          itself in running coalition government. The case of
          Bengal is well known. Wild Leaguers whom even the
          Congress with all its submissiveness could not
          placate grew quite reasonably compromising and
          sociable as soon as they came in contact with the
          Hindu Mahasabha and the Coalition government, under
          the premiership of Mr Fazlul Haq and the able lead
          of our esteemed Mahasabha leader Dr. Shyama Prasad
          Mookerji, functioned successfully for a year or so
          to the benefit of both the communities.
          (V.D.Savarkar, Samagra Savarkar Wangma ya Hindu
          Rasthra Darshan (Collected works of V.D.Savarkar)
          Vol VI, Maharashtra Prantik Hindusabha, Poona,
          1963, p 479-480)

Is it not surprising that despite many such acts which by any
stretch of imagination could be called 'patriotic' Savarkar
is still being portrayed as a 'patriot' by the Hindutva
Brigade. One fails to understand what was 'patriotic' about
this when the Indian masses were shedding their blood at the
hands of the Britishers this 'Veer' was engaged in not only
providing legitimacy to their regime but was also engaged in
winning over a section of Hindu masses to join the British

Of course the 'Veerhood' of this Patriot of a different kind
did not end here. Neither could he hide his glee over the
'banning of Congress' and 'its removal from political field.'
He did not mind hurriedly applauding Aiyar, the Dewan of
Travancore, when he had exhibited the audacity of declaring
the state independent. Quoted in Frontline, A.G.Noorani, (in
his review of two biographies of C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar) says

          Sir C.P.Ramaswamy Aiyar, the Dewan of Travancore,
          had declared the state independent of India! The
          perfidy did not stop there. He gallantly and
          speedily appointed an ambassador from Travancore to
          Jinnah's Pakistan, thus affirming once more his
          credentials as an inveterate enemy of India free
          and whole. And, for this treason, who lustily
          applauded Aiyar in all of India? Who else but
          'Veer' Savarkar?

          Savarkar should have been tried for treason. They
          let him go in those days of national euphoria. It
          only whetted his passion for more treason and
          grosser crime, culminating in Gandhi’s


The epic of bravery of this 'Veer of a Different Kind' would
remain incomplete if one does not take into account the way
he propagated politics of revenge in general and even went to
the extent of propagating rape as a political weapon to
further the cause of Hindu Rashtra. The way Savarkar
justifies violence against innocents, the way he castigates
the greatest Maratha king Shivaji for his chivalry towards
women is reprehensible.

Dhanjay Keer in his biography of Savarkar narrates an
incident of Savarkar's childhood when as a 12 year old child
he had gone to stone a local mosque. Savarkar's own
description of the incident is noteworthy

          "We vandalised the mosque to our heart's content
          and raised the flag of our bravery on it. We
          followed the war strategy of Shivaji completely and
          ran away from the site after accomplishing our task."

As expected when the Muslim boys in the village reacted to
this incident, Savarkar and his buddies from the village did
not hesitate to retaliate violently with knives, pins etc.
Savarkar cannot hide his glee over the victory of their side
in this 'religious war'.

In fact Savarkar's valorisation of violence against English
women and children is also problematic. Mr Jyotirmaya Sharma
in one of his articles 'Invented Enemy: Savarkar's Politics
of Revenge' published in Times of India also gives an example
about the way Savarkar narrates the event of 1857 in Kanpur.
Discussing the 1857 siege of Kanpur Savarkar tells the reader
in an unemotional comment the way

          'butchers were called by the Begum Saheb of
          Bibigarh, the chief officer of Bibigarh when the
          prison guards refused to massacre the English.'

According to Savarkar,

          '...As soon as they entered with their swords and
          knives, they butchered 150 women and children.
          While going in, the buthchers walked on the ground
          and while coming out they had to journey through blood.'

Of course Savarkar's 'magnum opus' Bhartiya Itihasatil Saha
Soneri Paane ('Six Golden Epochs in Indian History)' can be
considered to be a representative of his new weltanshauung
where he carefully departs from his earlier nationalist
philosophy and focusses his attention on the project of Hindu
Rashtra. Ajit Karnik in his comment 'Savarkar's Hindutva'
(Economic and Political Weekly, April 12,2003) tells us how
Savarkar condemns Marathas for not taking revenge on Muslims.

According to him,

          "...On pages 390-391 of the above-mentioned book,
          Savarkar takes to task the Marathas for not taking
          revenge on Muslims in response to the atrocities
          committed around the year 1757 by Abdalli. Savarkar
          would have liked the Marathas to not just take
          revenge, but to annihilate Muslim religion
          (Mussalmani Dharma) and exterminate the Muslim
          people and make India 'Muslim-free'. He reports
          with great approval how Spain, Portugal, Greece and
          Bulgaria had done a similar thing in the past and
          ensured the safety of Christianity. Presumably,
          Savarkar would have liked India to be rid of
          Muslims to make the country safe for Hindutva.
          Clearly, the India he wanted to create had no place
          for Muslims: the country had to be cleansed of
          Islam and the followers of Islam."

It is worth noting that in this much discussed book Savarkar
propounds the thesis of the 'collective guilt of Muslims.' He
lays down the thesis that Muslims need to be punished not
only what they themselves have done but what their
co-religionists had done. In a way he presents himself as the
father of the language of Pratishodh, Pratikaar, all synonyms
for revenge, retribution and retaliation and a pioneer
thinker who inspired a wide spectrum of individuals and
organisations ranging from the Sangh Parivar, Shiv Sena and
Hindu Mahasabha to the Hedgewars, Golwalkars to the Thakres,

Karnik further adds:

          Further (page 392), Savarkar is unrelenting in his
          criticism of the Marathas for failing to exact
          revenge, not only on Abdalli and his forces for
          their atrocities on Hindus, but on those ordinary
          Muslims who continued to live in Mathura, Gokul,
          etc. According to Savarkar, the Maratha army should
          have killed ordinary Muslims (i e, not soldiers),
          destroyed their mosques and raped Muslim women. The
          revenge was to be taken, not on the perpetrators of
          the earlier atrocities, but on those who had
          nothing to do with the earlier episodes, on those
          who were ordinary residents of these places and
          whose only crime was that they shared their
          religion with the perpetrators of the earlier

...One knows that the advent of Pushyamitra Shung in the
early part of the first millennium had lead to ethnic
cleansing of Buddhists on a mass scale. It is the same period
when Brahminical revival took place and Manusmriti was
codified. In his book Savarkar had no qualms in justifying
the large scale massacre of Buddhists by Pushyamitra Shung
(Veer Savarkar Prakashan, Kurla, Mumbai,1997, 9th edition,
Chapter 2, P 51-74).

But one of the most reprehensible but also the least known
part of Savarkar's life is the way he criticised Shivaji for
his chivalry towards the daughter in law of Nawab of Kalyan
who was captured and brought before him by his army. He calls
this act perverted virtue. ( Bhartiya Itihasatil Saha Soneri
Paane, Chapter 4 and 5, P. 147-74). The legend goes that when
one of his enthusiastic assistants presented before him the
daughter in law of Nawab expecting to get some special
favour, Shivaji not only reprimanded him for such act but
also punished him and sent back the women to her place with
full honour. But Savarkar condemns this act by Shivaji and
says that he was wrong as this cultured and human treatment
could not evoke in those fanatics the same feelings about
Hindu women....

Of course Savarkar does not stop in the medieval period. For
him all these incidents have a contemporary import which
needs to be properly looked into. And while discussing the
Indo-Pak conflict Savarkar remarks:

          He said that Pakistan’s inhuman and barbarous acts
          such as kidnapping and raping Indian women would
          not be stopped unless Pakistan was given tit for
          tat. Two years earlier Savarkar had expressed his
          opinion that the liberal policy adopted by Shivaji
          in case of Muslim women was wrong as this cultured
          and human treatment could not evoke in those
          fanatics the same feelings about Hindu women. They
          should have been given tit for tat, he observed
          frankly, so that they might have realised that the
          horrors of these brutalities. (Dhanjay Keer, Veer
          Savarkar, Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1966, p. 539)


As already stated the search of the foot-soldiers of the
Hindutva brigade is finally over with the 'discovery' of
Savarkar. Definitely they can have the liberty of having an
icon who after playing a heroic role in his youth
metamorphosed himself into a fanatic who preferred to become
a theoretician and practitioner of hate. But they have no
right to impose such an icon on the Indian people as a
freedom fighter par excellence. It is pure insult to the
memories of the martyrs of India’s freedom struggle....

Prime Minister Modi and his cabinet members have every right
to iconise or glorify whom they consider their own,
especially within the confines of the 'shakha' (basic unit of
RSS), but as leaders of a country of more than 1.2 billion
people who have taken oath to abide by the constitution, they
cannot wish away the fact that their every idea and action --
in the public domain -- would be put to scrutiny.

And they will have to explain to the people why they consider
a man who sent mercy petitions to the Britishers, a man who
according to Justic Kapoor commission was part of the
'conspiracy to assasinate the Mahatma', a man who opposed
preparation of a new constitution then at the time of
independence under the stewardship of Dr Ambedkar and instead
proposed 'Manusmriti' as newly independent India’s
constitution , a man who justified sexual violence against
innocents to teach them a lesson, as their Hero, as their

The sixty plus year old experiment in democracy which is
being practised here -- with all its limitations -- has
unleashed the last wo/man's capacity to question, debate and
argue and seek answers. It does not fear history rather draws
strength from it. And it can no more be silenced.

See also, some other points of view:

Goa NCP chief slammed for 'ignorance' on Savarkar

Video parodying the criticism

The man who thought Gandhi a sissy
The controversial mentor of the Hindu right

How Savarkar escaped the gallows

Dr. Ambedkar's historic revelation about Savarkar (LK Advani's blog)

'Savarkar never opposed the minorities' -- Vishwas Savarkar

Savarkar and Gandhi's murder [A.G. NOORANI] If only Savarkar's bodyguard and
his secretary had testified against him in court, he would have been
convicted for Gandhi's murder.

Gandhi’s assassination and Veer Savarkar: Setting the record straight

Veer Savarkar: Myths and Truths

Who was Veer Savarkar?
What would have happened if he would have led India instead of Mahatma

'Kayar Savarkar' vs 'Criminal Godse'

Do you know who is BJP chief Amit Shah's ideal? Hint: It's not Narendra Modi

Savarkar didn't think cow was sacred: Sharad Pawar reminds Hindutva votaries

An Open Letter to the 'Hindu Nationalist',
Narendra Damodardas Modi Ji, Chief Minister of Gujarat

Claims about RSS supporting Emergency not true, says Indira aide RK Dhawan

Savarkar --  Some unknown facts

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