The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging across the world. The scenario in the
United States of America is scary. The only saving grace is that after all
his tantrums Donald Trump faced with the reality has finally backed down.
So Joe Biden’s transition as the next President will now be a smooth affair
while he focuses in battling the virus which has already claimed almost
three lakh lives in the USA itself.

Across India the number of COVID cases is mounting and should be a matter
of great concern. Caution and no complacency is the key as we are battling
a vicious virus.  The government would have to take swift measures to
improve the health care facilities across the nation. As a means to protect
our environment it would be imperative that we stay away from setting up
any polluting industries. There has to be a consistent thrust on
maintaining sanitation and cleanliness all over while social distancing and
wearing of masks will now be a way of life at least for the near future.
But let us not be blind folded to the fact that we need to be kind,
concerned and compassionate at all times.

In bracing the future our country will have to innovate new ideas and
policies to move ahead in this current pandemic which has dazed the entire
world. We would have to look to ways and means to prudently move forward.
The political leadership at all levels needs to be a much matured one while
maintaining the rigours of absolute transparency and accountability in all
that is done. The fundamental principles of our Constitution must be
adhered to at all times by ensuring that the values of a participatory
democracy thrive.

The Civil and Public service besides the Judiciary must at all times be of
the highest caliber and ought to always be independent of the government,
defending its neutrality and impartiality and not used or abused according
to the whims of the political bosses. This is vital for good governance if
the public who are the real paymasters are to have any faith and trust and
feel that they are getting value for money and a good return on taxes they

Through an upgraded educational system we need to also invest in our young
boys and girls so that the young are given a chance. The power, diversity,
and potential of our youth could energize the nation to tow it out of the

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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