Calangute And Anjuna, Epicentres Of Drugs And Prostitution

The “jugalbandi” between Agnelo Fernandes, MLA of Calangute, on one
side and the PSI Mangunath Dessai and Ex Sarpanch Joseph Sequeira on
the other, looks to be straight from a Bollywood movie. For all that
matters I would say, the devil should be given his due. It’s a bold
step that Agnelo has taken, whatever the reasons or the timing, those
can be debated at convenience.

In Goa until and unless noise in made and that too much beyond the
allowed decibels only then issues seem to stand out like sore eyes at
the Sunday service. For the time being I would say well done Agnelo.
Though late, even then, he has shown guts to take such a stand, that
could hurt a few collogues and the authorities in the political
hierocracy and could also backfire on himself.

What ever said and done, there is no denying that north Goa has been
and still is the hub for drugs, and prostitution in Goa, unfortunately
Calangute and Anjuna the twin epicenters, anyone who denies it, must
be an idiot or a fool or somehow even involved in it. This menace is
not new but has only magnified in leaps and bounds under the very
patronage of our political and security system. A mole, generously
allowed to turn in to an almighty Everest by our very own.

The Home Minister today stated that drugs prospered during the BJP
rule, who himself was a part of that very same legacy and if our home
minister knew that drugs prospered then, why did he say that there
were no drugs in Goa ? Is the home minister a victim of Alzheimer, or
a victim of his own contrived fallacies ?

Mr. Sequeira also highlighted the involvement of political powers that
become a hindrance to the effectiveness of our security services,
which is also a well known fact, but should not be an excuse for
submission. The effectiveness of the security services is in their own
hands, if they have their own deprived agendas, rather than ethics or
principles, they will certainly be manipulated and hence we have had
some very unpleasant and unethical episodes unfolding which have
smudged the reputation of Goa and Goans world wide.

With all that’s happening within the security services in Goa PSI
Manjunath Dessai’s denial looks more like a silly ploy to impress the
public, it certainly lacks conviction and credibility as well, it
looks more like a feeble futile effort to free himself from the
powerful jaws of a “bull terrier”, that they have unleashed on

The bad blood between the Ex-Sarpanch and the present MLA is no
secret, so it is amply evident that Mr. Sequeira is trying to arouse
the sentiments of the local Calangute residents with the tag line
“only trying to give a bad name to Calangute”, the political
motivation can be seen like the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai, from a
good distance. If Sequeira knew of the illicit activities prevailing,
why did he not highlight them in the first place ?

As I said earlier, it is indeed late but none the less, instead of
going into a denial mode and the blame game, the authorities, that
includes new and the old administrators should accept the fact that,
yes, the beauty of  Goa, more so of the north, has indeed been
ravaged, modesty shredded and left exposed for all the degenerates to
enthrall themselves and work hard to take preventive measures to
curtail and control, if not stop, this escalating epidemic before it
destroys our youth and our future.

I hope like Agnelo, other members of the power brigade take a stand
and do the needful to highlight the plight of Goa and Goans.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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