To the Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful in this Archdiocese

Subject: Campaign of Prayer and Penance in the Month of October

Dearly Beloved,

Millions of our fellow citizens continue to be in the grip of untold anxiety and suffering in the wake of natural as well as man-made disasters, which have hit them in the recent weeks. On the one hand, it is the floods in Bihar and Orissa, which have made the greatest number of victims and caused many deaths. On the other, it is the terrible and senseless atrocities that tens of thousands of peace-loving and law-abiding citizens in a number of States are being subjected to in the name of religion; and lastly, it is the condemnable terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in a few cities across our nation.

All these calamities and vicious attacks on human persons and property have caused a great affliction and no less shame to our beloved country and to us, its citizens. While our hearts go out to the millions of fellow-Indians whose lives have been devastated by these events, we need to mourn for our motherland, whose world image as one of the most admired democracies is being irreparably damaged by a few, but powerful, anti-social and fundamentalist outfits.

The month of October is traditionally dedicated to prayer and penance by Catholics around the world, in conformity with the desires of the Mother of Jesus, the Lady of the Rosary. It is a month during which Catholic Goans gather in their families, neighbourhoods and parishes to pray the Rosary, with greater devotion, for the various needs of the Church, of the country and of the world at large.

I earnestly appeal to my beloved Brother Priests, Religious and members of the Laity of this Archdiocese to dedicate this month to intensified prayer and sacrifice for our beloved country, particularly for the following intentions:

- that those countless sisters and brothers of ours who have been rendered homeless and those who have had to go into hiding to escape relentless persecution may soon receive effective help from their governments to find a secure place to stay and to begin their lives anew;

- that government authorities may ensure that order is restored in the affected areas and adequate compensation is given to those who have lost their houses, institutions and places of worship for no crime of theirs and that more stringent action is taken against all kinds of anti-social and anti-religious activities that violate basic human rights;

- that leaders, civil and religious, and all people of good will may strive to promote, at all costs, a society of justice, peace and harmony in our land;

- that the promoters of all communal hatred and uncalled-for acts of terrorism may be enlightened to desist from their operations that only jeopardize the long-term interests and fair image of our country and be led to adopt a constructive role in the building of our great nation.

May this campaign of prayer and penance also help each one of us to grow in our commitment to the Lord and to His Church as well as in the spirit of forgiveness and love, so characteristically proclaimed in the Gospel we profess. May our penance also bear fruit in our generosity in contributing towards the rehabilitation of the countless victims, knowing well that all the help we send will not be enough. Caritas-Goa has already issued a call to contribute towards those affected by the Orissa riots and is receiving an encouraging response from you. I would like to issue hereby a new and separate call for generous contributions towards the rehabilitation of the flood victims in Bihar and Orissa. A drop in the ocean it may be, but the Church in Goa cannot remain indifferent to the plight of these helpless multitudes. Contributions may be sent by Cheque or Demand Draft in favour of "Caritas-Goa, S.B. Acc. No. 18046," with special mention of "flood victims." Such contributions will also be received in cash at Caritas-Goa, Institute Piedade, Near Hotel Mandovi, Panjim.

We request our Parish Priests and Chaplains to convey the contents of this Circular to other Church institutions and Religious houses as well as the faithful in their respective parishes and we invoke upon everyone God's abundant blessings, through the powerful intercession of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and of the Church.

Archbishop's House, Panjim, Goa, September 29, 2008.

     ( + Filipe Neri Ferrão)
Archbishop of Goa and Daman

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