Can mine owners be the new heroes?
"He who drinks, throws up solution" - Confucius

By Cecil Pinto

Last week, at a press conference "to express solidarity with the
villagers of Colamb in their battle against the marauding mining
companies", fashion designer, writer and activist Wendell Rodricks
announced that he would "neither entertain nor hang out with
politicians or corporate honchos, whose mining firms were wrecking
hell on indigenous Goans". He also stated he would "not share a dais
with Chief Minister Digambar Kamat", who he claimed was directly
responsible for the excesses against tribals by mining companies as he
holds the Mining portfolio.

Bravo! This was a long time coming. I have often thought that a social
boycott and stigmatizing of politicians, illegal miners and all such
known criminals would be a good first step to send a message across.
As it is our voting patterns are a joke. We talk no end about how
corrupt the current lot of politicians are and then we vote the same
crooks into power again and invite them to inaugurate things and give
away prizes. Maybe this social boycott approach will work.

I though to myself, "What can I do to support Wendell's gesture?" I
don't know any MLA or minister personally so the question of
entertaining them does not arise. Or maybe I could throw a party for
Desmond's First Holy Communion and then specifically send a note to my
MLA saying that he is not welcome. Ha! That would be cool.

With all these social boycott ideas swirling in my head I went to the
local bar. Names of individuals have been changed, specially of those
who have wives who don't approve of their husbands socializing with
me. My favourite watering hole is dark and stuffy. Everbody knows
everybody and interrupting conversations at other tables is the norm.

I dramatically brought things to the fore by asking the barman,
Somnath, "How can we convince people to stop socialising with
politicians and miners?' Manuel, the small-time caterer, ambled over
and boomed in Konkani, "I will boycott miners! I will not use miners.
In fact miners is bad for this hot climate in Goa. So many times it
gets spoilt and then we are blamed. I have told Gracy not to make
miners but then clients are insisting…" It took us a few dumbstruck
minutes to realize he was talking about mayonnaise, pronounced
'miners' in Konkani.

>From the corner of my eye I saw Rahul sauntering in. Now Rahul was
much too young to be drinking but mostly he just sips on a beer and is
busy sending text messages to his many girlfriends. Somehow through
the Chinese whispers at the bar the news reached Rahul. Suprisingly he
perked up and came up to our table. "Of course we should boycott
miners. All these incidents are spoiling the reputation of Goa.
Innocent guys get blamed. Last time my friend was locked up overnight
and questioned for no reason. Specially these English and German
miners. See what just two miners did to the reputation of Goa. No
socializing with miners!" We shooed Rahul away as we realized he was
talking about 'minors'.

"Will Wendell stop writing for Goa Today magazine?" asked Augusto,
"After all it is owned by miners". "Good point" Shyam said, "Maybe we
can stop buying Goa Today and Navhind Times and…" Tony interrupted,
"Maybe we should stop sending our children to schools and colleges
managed by trusts controlled by miners? Maybe we should stop
patronizing hotels owned by miners?" Satyavan interrupted "When did
you last go to a three star hotel leave alone a five star. Speak about
the normal things you do."

"Maybe I should tell my relatives to cancel that booking for a flat
coming up in a complex built by miners." "We should not attend
football matches where teams sponsored by miners are playing!" "My
neighbour works for a mining firm. I will not take Our Lady from her
house!" "My wife's cousin's son transports ore in his truck. I will
not invite him for Ganesh Chaturti!" The atmosphere was getting

"Oieeeeeeeee!", Somnath exclaimed, "We're getting a bit carried away
here. Wendell, I think, called for a boycott of mine owners as
individuals and not necessarily their associated businesses or

"But since we don't know any miners personally this will be a good way
of making a statement, no? Their businesses and employees are finally
tainted by the money made from mining, no?"

"You guys are making the classic activist error of wanting to use cell
phones and not wanting cell towers. The world needs mining. We need
mining, and not just for the economy. Look around you. See how many
things are made from mined metals like iron. How will we get iron if
we don't have mines?"

"So mining is good now?"

"Illegal mining is bad. It's raping our land. I am sure that concerned
people like Wendell are well placed to convince their miner friends to
form a body that identifies the mercenary miners who are operating
illegally. These mines should be closed immediately and the mine
owners severely penalised."

"Next all parties have to sit around the table and talk about
sustainable mining. See right now is a perfect time. The global
meltdown means there is no demand for steel and hence ore. Mining is
no longer very lucrative. Every legitimate mine owner in Goa has made
more then enough money for the next seventeen generations. They have
also diversified into other non-mining activities that will keep them
rich for many more generations. The time is good now for them to stop
all mining that destroys the environment. Keep this in mind, that the
miners' children and grandchildren are not going anywhere from Goa.
They too are stakeholders in the community and aren't interested in
raping Goa, unlike the renegade illegal miners. Rather than boycott
them we should identify the good guys within them and work with them
to stop mining that is unsustainable. Forget what happened. The mine
owners now have a choice. They can be the new saviors of Goa - or have
a curse on their family names for eternity."

"What about politicians then?"

"No! No! That is a different kettle of fish. From the most powerful
minister to the smallest mayor and sarpanch, all they are interested
in is increasing their own wealth and power through foul means.
Boycott them all, and their families. Treat them like the vermin that
they are. Throw your shoes at them!"

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 18th December 2008

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