Casino - Open Letter - PART II
Goa prides itself as a tourist destination and tourism is Goa's largest 
economic sector.  This sector is the largest employer of Goans in Goa and 
spends crores of rupees marketing - Local, National and International; not to 
mention the yeomen work done by expatriate Goans to promote Goa.  Posts like 
the one on the casino are factual, yet on an international Goan forum 
completely undercuts tourism promotion and  the image of Goa.  Perhaps some may 
not care for that image and the tourist economy.  Yet, these descriptions of 
Goa fit well with President Donald Trump's description of "sh*t-hole places."   
So such posts besides being disheartening, do affect local Goans and immigrant 
/ expatriate Goans in more ways than one realize. 
It baffles me that places poorer and much less educated than Goa have made a 
success of tourism (both in India and abroad).  Yet smart native Goans cannot 
make tourism a success story.  Goa cannot be a high-end tourist destination 
without casino-entertainment. It is as simple as that!  So please "do not cut 
off the nose to spite the face."  And holding a BRIC summit in Goa was a great 
occasion despite what some smart Goans may think of the occasion.
Please do not overlook among the govt officials monitoring the pollution 
problem those responsible for the environment and health of the city of Panaji 
and the state of Goa.  There certainly are some elected representatives whom 
you supported who can help fight the garbage issue.  If not, then create a 
party that supports your viewpoints. You have valid concerns for the benefit of 
Goa and the future generations.  Kudos! However at some point, you also need to 
get positive results from your efforts to maintain your own sanity.  But the 
frequently seen Goan attitude of being a constant nay-sayer on very aspect of 
life is a negative approach that has stymied Goa and its peoples, where ever 
they reside.  
Back to the  issue of protest posts on Goanet; a net-site in existence for 
twenty-plus years.  Can you or any other Goanet reader provide us with at-least 
one public issue that has been solved / addressed because of post(s) written on 
Goanet?  Are intellectual Goans using  internet posts or letters-to-the editor 
as a SOP / poor substitute for more direct physical action that requires 
"rolling up of one's sleeves."?  The argument that overseas Goans only talk 
about Goa's problems, really applies to all writers (in print or on the net), 
irrespective of their residence.  Goanet is a great site to disseminate 
information.  It is a poor site to achieve practical results.
I hope this self-examination is seen as a positive and helpful approach.  This 
post is certainly not written as a put-down.  At the end of the day, it is the 
PRACTICAL SUCESS that matters and not the sterile cost-free words.   
Best wishesRegards, GL

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