Caste and Creed in the 12th Goa Assembly

By Miguel Braganza

The people cast their votes -- a full 82% of the eligible
voters exercised their franchise to elect a healthy
government on 03 March, 2012 -- and the results have been
declared on 06 March, 2012, with the BJP as the clear winner.

Thanks to the Goa Doot (the Marathi newspaper, associated
with the BJP) we have the statistics that is rarely seen in
print in the English-language newspapers.

          Interestingly not a single Bhandari candidate of
          the Congress has won in 2012, showing a major shift
          in the vote bank of this largest single block of
          voters in Goa.

Of the 40 MLAs, 26 are Hindus and 14 are Catholics (nominally
'Christian', but comfortable offering prayers and/or coconut
in a temple or a chaddar in a mosque, and the second of the
Ten Commandment be damned).  There is one more than the 13
Catholics in the 11th Assembly.

The  four Saraswats are divided 1 in the BJP (Prabhu
Parrikar), 1 Congress (Kamat), 1 Independent-South
(Sardessai) and 1 Independent-North (Khaunte/Counto).

Other than the 4 Saraswat Brahmins (Bamonn), the rest are
Bhandari, Maratha, Brahman (Bhott), ST (Gawddi, Kunbi, Velip)
or SC (Reserved Constituency only).

          Among the 26 Hindus there are 10 OBC (including 7
          Bhandari), 6 Maratha, 2 Brahman, 3 ST, 1 SC and 4

The BJP-MGP-supported Independents combine has 26 MLAs. with
3 from MGP and 2 Independents committed before the elections.
The GVP has given unconditional support, swelling the
Treasury side to 28 MLAs, if accepted.

The BJP has 21 MLAs and their break up is as under: Saraswat
1 (Manohar Parrikar) Bhandari 7 (Dayanand Mandrekar, Dilip
Parulekar, Kiran Kandolkar,Vishnu Wagh, Mahadev Naik, Milind
Naik and Subash Naik), Other OBC 3, Maratha 3 (Laxmikant
Parsdekar, Dr.  Promod Sawant and Subhash Phaldesai), SC 1
(Rajendra Arlekar), ST 2 (Ramesh Tawadkar, Ganesh Gaonkar)
and 6 Catholics

The 2 independents supported by BJP are both Catholics. The 2
GVP MLAs who have extended post-poll support to BJP are also


[Based on a report in Goa Doot, 8 March, 2012, page 3 top.]

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