Hello Albert, 
  I was wondering if my name would crop up when you posted on this forum.  Lo & 
behold, Ed & have been put down for saying Albert likes Feni.
  Actually Albert it was actuallly you who not only intimidated that in the 
post I replied to.  So maybe you dont remember........... it may be because the 
brain cells are not as clear as they used to be, maybe not.  
  I would be pleased to come visit you, but I would not drink whisky if you 
paid me to drink it.  I dont like whisky, in fact I dont drink anything but 
three different style of drinks.  In the summer late afternoons, its lagers 
(not the strong type, just something cold & thirst quenching will do for me), 
late evenings in either summer or winter, spring or autumn, its White Rum 
(preferably from Mauritius where you can get several dozen different styles of 
it), with Coca Cola (or now, Diet Coke............... one has to be careful of 
sugar intake, it is said half litre of coca cola can hold the equivalent of 15 
teaspoonful of sugar), but overall, I am a RED wine drinker.  Usually about 3 
glasses per evening (glasses are 250 ml size so I guess I can admit to 
consuming 1 whole bottle every evening, usually with my meal, with my family 
who also indulge in the occasional glass (from a second bottle).  
  Yes you  may think its decadence, but in reality, although I go over the 
recommended daily allowance most of the time, I have done so for 20 years now 
(prior to that I was drinking much more heavily, so I have cut down & dont 
drink as much as I was when younger), I dont feel my mental or physical health 
suffers for the imbibing..............
  I still get up at 6.30am every day, except Sunday (I have a lie-in so its 
8.30am on Sundays, not 6.30am) and work a minimum of a 12 hour day in my 
business & my wife also works similar hours. #That is for seven days a week, 
since we are self-employed & hire staff to take care of most of the day to day 
working, we are open for business 15 hours a day, seven days a week.  We feel 
that 3 glasses of wine (she drinks only one, maybe two after a stressful day), 
is about right for us.
  Albert, I have nothing against you (nor against any other poster on this 
forum), but I do object sometimes when you say things out of turn!  You have 
actually admitted that Feni is used by you to make your brains work, and garlic 
around the ladies necks to stop them getting wind.  If you cannot remember 
this, it may be cause you had too much feni or perhaps its something else that 
hinders your memory.  Without insulting you I can catagorically say that I feel 
you are a nice person inside and outside, but have some issues you need to deal 
with as a matter of urgency, that is .................. your memory, but there 
are archives that you can look up your previous posts, they will confirm what 
you have said & my response to it.
  This goes for the word PAGAN which you have used constantly to demean those 
who are not Cathollics, but in the same breath you have condemned unecessarily 
& without proof the Priests of your Church who you have claimed are little more 
than liars & thieves, and so on.
  Dont take my word for it, just look up your previous input here, I just get 
fed up & sometimes lose my sense of control when you condemn me for being a 
"pagan" by saying this in your posts, albeit that you bunch a whole load of us 
together as we are no longer consider that your religion (of which I was a 
member for the first 16 years of my life), when you know quite well that I have 
supported Hinduism (albeit some of it selectively.............. as you can do 
with Hinduism, in as much you can with various branches of Christianity), so 
dont suddenly come on here and mention me by name (nor send me any private 
emails again please, I do not accept them when the red hot discussion is on 
Goanet, not my inbox, unless I have invited you to do so).
  In the meantime I would like to say, Merry Christmas to you and your family, 
may your God be with you in times of need & may your faith never falter.  Happy 
New Year 2008 also, and may it be a prosperous and fulfilling one.  May your 
God rub out the negatives in your life and may the positive be there for you 
each morning when you awake.
  Here, I shall go home to light my lamp to Lord Ganesha this evening (every 
Friday at 6pm since 1966), & pray for all of us while seeking enlightment with 
my own troubles and woes, (of which there are  many & appear to multiply when I 
am not looking) but I turn my face to the future with great delight & positive 
mental energy, for the sake of my wife and children.
  After prayers I will then open a bottle of Chateauneuf du 
Pape...................... and relax with my family over dinner. We will 
converse & discuss issues of the day...............
  On Tuesday evenings at 6pm (since 1989 the year we married), my wife Pamela 
(with our daughters Ayeesha & Ashayghee) will light the lamp for Durga / Kali 
Maa.............. and they will support the will to continue with our 
  And may your faith never diminish Albert, if your religion brings joy & 
happiness to you and your family, long may it continue.  As neighbours we may 
well have different outlooks, different jobs & different ways of living in our 
communities, but inside we are all pretty much the same, perhaps some of us a 
little darker in skin tone, some a little lighter but who cares about skin 
colour, what about sexual orientation, physically fit or puny, mental 
abilities, tall or short, thin or fat, race or creed or caste?  
  Oh by the way, we mostly eat spicy food, 4 or 5 times a week with rice, other 
times with various Indian breads but always with some little green chillies 
(fresh or pickled) on the side.  Dry curry or wet curry, fish or chicken, 
lamb/mutton or vegetarian, snacks made at home, from Samosas to Dhall Puri & a 
whole vast range of spicy & hot Channa Dhall or lentils, in soups (also spicy), 
with or without breads............ 
  As I said, we may be pretty much the same inside, but without the whisky, or 
feni, thank you.  I'll stick to my poison, it preferable to anyone else's. 
However, Albert if you are offering to buy me the Champagne you think Ed & I 
are knocking back over here, then you are very welcome to purchase a case or 
two for me (and Ed would also thank you no doubt)...........
  Best Wishes
  John Monteiro 
  21.12.07.....16.20hrs (UK)

Albert Desouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Dear Goanetters
What is in a caste system ? I cannot understand why some people bring caste in 
this modern computer world. I appreciate the modern 
generation....................People who write about caste system on this net 
are outdated ancient humans. I do not myself feel a different person when I mix 
about with people of different castes.................Today girls have been 
marrying christians, hindus, muslims and even non goans. They look at the 
status of the groom and try to find out whther this boy is suitable lover or 
not.................Christians should hang in shame for making humans as low 
caste and employing them to dig graves and ring church bells...............I 
wish to inform Monteiro and Edward that I do not take feni and do not need one 
for I can sleep very peacefully when night comes. I do not have any tensions in 
life............have very little expectations in life. I do not want to go to 
the west as I know I will be a fish out of water over there. These two gentlemen
 of high class society can drown their frustrations using champagne or black 
and white whiskey and I will not be jealous and for your information if by any 
chance you two do come to Goa please do not offer me any of the western drinks 
for I do not know how to taste but offer me goan cunji with yesterday's dry 
curry for I am a goan.



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