Well said Marie, and let us all hope, pray & use our (GOD-given) brains to get 
both together so that all act as one, together you win, divided will mean one 
rule for one and another for the other. Casteism will never get us anywhere, it 
has been said on this forum ad nausium but I am a great supporter of the 
posters who are against this foul method of control of others who were 
unfortunate enough to be born in the "wrong" family / caste.
  John Monteiro
  08.12.07............09.25hrs (UK)

Marie D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: If we want to change people's hearts 
and minds on caste what we need to do at the start is change the mindset of 
people / members of Institutions promoting caste. I have recently come to know 
that Communidades in Goa - or at least definitely in Aldona have 2 Presidents 
and 2 groups. One is for the upper caste /s and the other for the Sudhras. Only 
when the Communidade in each village decides to act jointly and not be divided 
according to caste lines then the first step will be taken in the right 

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