Cheers Dears
By Augusto Pinto

The Moindolli Brahmins


I met Teofilus Dos Reis Magos Fernandes or Toff, the President of the Moira Inter-cosmic Lampooner's Front [M.I.L.F.], outside the Moira Church where he religiously goes to attend Mass every morning. He looked perturbed.

I said, "Hey Toff - what's up?" He looked at me agitatedly and said,"Gusto, we have to act!" I said "Oh! Should M.I.L.F. put up a tiatro?" "No you fool, haven't you read or seen on T.V. about what's been happening to minorities, earlier to the Muslims in Gujarat, and now to the Christians in Orissa and Karnataka?"

"Oh so you're talking about those Churches that were burnt and those Christians who were killed? What's the big deal? Jesus said that if your left cheek is slapped, you must stick your right one out to be kissed. Anyway what do you propose to do about it?" Teofilus shot me a murderous look but chose to ignore my crack. Instead he answered my last question. "We have to convert."

I almost yelled at him,"Toff are you mad? As it is without any forcible conversions taking place there is so much of mayhem - can you imagine the hell if people actually start becoming Christians. And please don't tell me that our Constitution guarantees the Right to Freedom of Religion."

"No you idiot, what I'm saying is that it is the Christians of Moira who should convert!!" "Convert? Toff, Moira Christians should convert to what?" Teofilus replied," To Hindutvaism." I began to gag at the conception of arguably the greatest intellectual that Moira has ever produced. "But Toff, what about about our culture and traditions? Wont they have to be abandoned?" He replied,"Oh, we can always change. After all, as the history books tell us at one time we Moidekars were all Saraswat Brahmins who came from Bengal or somewhere before we were converted by the Portuguese."

"But will the Hindutvavadis accept us? And what about caste? Won't we need to have a caste?" "Don't worry Gusto they will accept us. It'll be a propoganda victory. And as regards caste, we'll call ourselves the Moindolli Brahmins - you know, like in Moindolli bananas which is what they call the superior Moira variety. And we will be special Brahmins - just as the Saraswats say they are are fish fry-and chicken xacutin-eating Brahmins, we'll say we are the pork sorpotel-and beef assado-eating Brahmins."

"But Toff we would need temples and bhats and so on, isn't it?" "Gusto, we'll just paint the church and chapels saffron and call them temples. And we'll call Our Lady as Mataji or something Then we'll make the parish priest the Swamiji and all the other priests in the village as the bhatjis. And we'll turn all the nuns into swaminis. The Masses can continue, but they will be called Maha Pujas and the Holy Communion that is distributed will be the Prasad."

My mind began to reel at what Toff was telling me but I recognised that there was some perverse logic in what he was saying. "Okay Toff so what you are saying is that we should convert to Hindutvaism and yet preserve the life that we are leading right now. But what advantage will these strange manoeuvres give us?"

Expert chess player that he is, Teofilus said,"Don't you get it Gusto. Once we become Hindutvavadis then we can join the rampaging mobs and we can finish off those who have not converted to our cause, and we can capture the women and so on and so forth. It will be such fun, I tell you!"

I said,"And Toff after this what will happen? Won't we be arrested and prosecuted for genocide?" "Don't worry Gusto, nothing will happen because by then the government will be ours. Then we can take over the land and property of the Christians who have fled. Do you know the rate land is going for these days" With a smirk on his face Teofilus went his way.

Till next time then...

Cheers   (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the September 24, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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