
    Nun jailed for sex abuse gets bail 
    Sister Maria said "it was totally false case to target the Church for doing 
good work”.
    Posted on September 24, 2015, 8:52 AM  



          A Catholic nun, arrested for alleged sexual abuse of a minor girl,
 was granted bail but the priest and a maid arrested with her in the 
same case continue in jail in central Indian Chhattisgarh state.
 trial court granted Samaritan Sister Christ Maria bail on Tuesday but 
could be released only on Wednesday following delay in serving the bail 
warrant in the jail, which was 135 kilometers away from the court.
 was arrested and sent to jail on September 11, along with Father Joseph
 Dhanaswami, principal of Jyoti Mission High School of Ambikapur diocese
 in Chhattisgarh state. The hostel maid also was arrested following a 
complaint of the mother of a fourth grade student.
Even though 
all three moved bail applications separately before the Additional 
Session Judge Kirthy Lakara, Manendragarh, the judge granted bail only 
to the nun and rejected others bail application.
Their lawyer 
Rakesh Sinha told the priest and the maid were booked under 
stringent provision of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) that deals with 
unnatural sex.
Unlike them the nun was charged with Sections 19 
and 20 of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), for 
willfully not informing the government authority about the alleged abuse
 of the child, which has a provision of one year jail term, he noted.

 lawyer Amarnath Pandy dealing with the case told the case 
is fabricated to tarnish the image of the Christian mission in the 
“It is a fabricated case with baseless allegations," he 
said adding that appeal will be moved in the High Court for bail of the 
priest and the maid in a day or two.

The bail application of the 
priest, he said was rejected only on the ground that the investigation 
in the case was going on which in fact not a ground to deny bail to 

The very fact that the police first slapped the charge of
 rape on the priest and later withdrew it and booked him for unnatural 
sex, he said adding that such flip flop is a clear sign of manipulation.

Sister Maria also said "it was totally false case to target the Church for 
doing good work”.

 “As far as I know a skin disease of the girl is blown out of proportion
 as a case of sexual abuses” she said adding “everything is politically 
motivated to malign us”.

Ambikapur vicar general Father Antony 
Bara the case is "the outcome of the hate campaign" of the right wing 
Hindu activists against the Church for helping the poor.
He also
 said activists of the Bajrang Dal, a militant Hindu organization and 
youth wing of the Vishva Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) protested 
and pelted stones at the school, destroying a Marian statue as part of 
their strategy to pressurize the police to frame fake case on the Church
Father Bara said the girl was staying in the Church-run
 hostel and was suffering from a skin disease, including around her 
private parts. Since she was not feeling comfortable, she sought 
permission from the hostel warden to go home to stay with her mother.
Medical examinations also have not proved any sexual violence, Church sources 

Source: UCAN


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