China stalling WHO Covid-19 probe
Elvidio Miranda
When the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origin of 
coronavirus stated that it was `extremely unlikely' that the Wuhan virology 
institute was the source of origin of the virus that led to the deadly pandemic 
as it was well secured, China thought that they had got away with owning 
responsibility for being to be blamed for the initiation of the outbreak. The 
WHO team however had also suggested that the virus was an animal to human 
transmission. But later the Chinese authorities `refused' to give the WHO `raw 
data' meaning details of the first 174 cases that originated in the wet markets 
of Wuhan, in the end of the third week of December, 2019 to the beginning of 
the fourth week of December, 2019, at which the outbreak was first reported in 
China. Because the WHO was seemingly favouring China, former US president 
Donald Trump suspended funding to the WHO. Now, the WHO itself has been not 
getting sufficient cooperation from the Chinese authorities which definitely 
suggests that China has something to hide.As far as the rest of the world is 
concerned, the confirmed infections and the fatality rates worldwide make for 
very grim reading. Johns Hopkins University data reveal that there are 108 
million confirmed cases of infections and 2.39 million deaths due to Covid-19 
across the globe. The countries worst affected are: United States (27.6 million 
infections and 4,84,400 deaths), Brazil (9.77 million infected and 2,37,000 
deaths), India (10.9 million infected and 1,56,000 deaths), United Kingdom 
(4.01 million infected and 1,16,000 deaths), Italy (2.7 million cases of 
infection and 93,045 deaths), Russia (4 million infected and 77,911 deaths), 
Spain (3.06 million infected cases and 64,747 deaths). In light of this 
unprecedented tragedy in the world which has disrupted normal lives, caused 
untold misery and suffering to the people across the world and severely 
affected economy throughout the globe, it is the duty of the most affected 
countries to exert pressure both diplomatic and through economic sanctions on 
China to make it accept responsibility for the origin of the coronavirus, since 
they are stalling a fair and equitable probe into the virus origin by WHO which 
is recognized by China..

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