Choice to choose
Choice to choose

On the threshold  of elections multiple new parties  are registered to
create an option  Everyone promises the moon to corner an election
pie.Besides the number of new aspirants entering the fray further
complicate the choice.Then there are those who suddenly change  party
labels, enter into alignments of conveniece upto elections. It is a known
, time tested strategy to divide votes by promoting  number of bogus, non
serious  candidates
Others hope to cash on withdrawal  enticements
When there are too many choices of parties and candidates, it is means to
confuse the voters  playing upon local and partisan sentiments and thus tap
on or ensure captive votes to win by splitting
The constituencies are too small to manipulate  with bribes  and gifts and
the process starts much before dates are announced  to come under
The option NOTA does not make  a dent into the final outcome, it only a
means to register one's dissent.Strategists and seasoned politician
encourage and even file nominations , bear the expenses and offer
incentives too.It increases the list of candidates which puts pressure on
the election machinery too In the final analysis too many choices to choose
from leads to oaralysis of reasons
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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