*Cipriano Lopes …as I knew him.*

*I have very few friends in Goa and among these very few friends , Cipriano
Lopes was the closest . He had high regards for me and I thought of him as
someone on whose sincerity and honesty I could depend.

saw leadership qualities in me and motivated me to lead many social
movements while he himself stood behind me strong as a solid rock .*

*There were many issues of common interest between us.*

*He was proud to be a Goan and so was I. He loved Goan art and culture and
so did I.*

*He resented any one destroying the Goan , God given , beautiful, natural
environment  and so did I.*

*His work  at the Doordarsan (Panaji) was exemplary . He did all within his
powers to promote Goan Art & Culture  through the television media.  There
will be hundreds of Goan artists who, if not for Cipriano Lopes, may have
never had the opportunity to be seen on television. Cipriano  looked out
for talented Goans from the remotest corners of Goan villages and showcased
their talent on Doordarshan (Panaji).  For this he was greatly admired by
every staff member of Doordarshan , Panaji ,Goa.*

*Cipriano loved his mother-tongue Konkani , especially when it is written
in the Roman Script as he himself grew up learning to read and write
Konkani in only the Roman Script. It pained him to see the Romi Konkani
suffer  due to it’s non-inclusion in the Official Language Act of Goa
1987.  He believed from his heart that this was a big injustice to the Goan
community that grew up reading and writing konkani in the Roman Script. He
was of the firm opinion that Romi Konkani  should receive the same
recognition  as Devnagari Konkani in the Official Language Act of Goa, and
he openly propagated for it’s inclusion in the same.*

*Cipriano was my colleague in the Dalgado Konknni Academy  for several
years and actively propagated   it’s aims and objectives. The work done by
Cipriano in promoting Romi Konkani cannot be measured in any form as
Cipriano was always a silent worker and never looked for any publicity for

*In him I have lost a very good friend, guide and a motivator.

Romi Konkani movement has lost a leader .*

*The “Romi Lipi Action Front” has lost it’s all important “right arm”.*

*May God give him eternal rest .*

*I salute you Cipriano , my friend , motivator and guide.*

*……..Wilson Mazarello……….*
*   (Convenor, Romi Lipi Action Front*
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