Condolence Meeting To Honour Dr. Teotonio Desouza

First to offer my sympathies to the family & friends of our Professor
Teotonia. The Gatekeeper St Peter has great experience in keeping the
audit. May our Professor be admitted to rest in the heavenly abode.

My.first lecture in Goa, on the impact of the Goans in Tanzania and its
signifance to Development was held at XCHR. I then and still think it is a
great Goan institution.  This was nearly 22 years after I had retired from
the University of Dar es Salaam. Therefore  thanks to Frederick, I ventured
to talk at XCHR. I have in various capacities lectured or talked in dozens
of countries from Japan to Banks in South Africa, World Bank
etc.. I had an audience in all these places. Would I have an audrence in
Goa.. I did,  including my namesake Fr. N. Mascarenhas  It was a start.

The Professor was training  to be a Jesuit. He gave up his vocation. Many
are called but few are chosen. Lets praixe the Lord for giving us such an
outstanding Goan.

Adolfo Mascarenhas
Dar es Salaam

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