Confusion galore on Covid
Fear and anxieties  apart information on safety ,drugs  etc confusing  day
by day from none other than medical fraternity
THE use of variety of sanitizers, masks,shields in the market are vying for
their share Then there are food substitutes and various drugs,formulations
and concoctions promoted as immunity  boosters sidelining natural foods
Doctors are disputing about HCQ effectiveness and so is dexamethasone,
remdesvir  flaviparavir  etc  known to cause side effects ,depression etc.
There is extreme hesitancy , apprehension , scepticism  about vaccines .
Some stages are bypassed  and are now  on human trial stage, and which
cannot be  expedited on any account. The long term and side effects are a
real worry for fast tracking the vaccine  The profit motive of
pharmaceutical companies  is real concerns even though Govt and
philanthropic  institutions are extending huge  Grant's in subsidies
There is contradictions about whether it is a virus or bacteria..Deaths are
believed to be caused by embolism in heart  lungs etc
Effectiveness of masks and sanitizers is questioned . Lockdowns have
postponed the inevitable and social distancing, avoiding large  gatherings
 is the panacea
Some  argue  and are of the opinion that it is a mere flu .cough ancold and
be treated  so.  Why then deaths in millions with vprolonged effects on
lungs kidneys and  heart.Then why the infection, contagion spreading like
wild fire across Nations and communities and have resulted in deaths in
millions?  It is highly contagious   no doubt about it and the possibility
of spread through aerosol  is  real threat  The antigen tests are
unreliable the  SOP for symptomatic  patients alone is ridden  with
 contradictions and procedures
There is too much information and miss information floating around WHO is
not helping in clarification
Will people adopt vaccine without hesitation and at a prohibitive cost of
production that marginalized will be left ot in the cold

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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