Goa has conserved areas notified by the Government. These areas,
specially in Panjim and Margao are conserved to preserve its unique Portuguese
architecture and historical riches  and avoid such areas from being destroyed 
by human greed and
madness which would mean a huge loss for Goa as a whole. Many owners of their
land and houses in these areas have resigned to their fate as some find it
impossible in maintaining the same old structures. These areas have maintained
their same old names of areas and roads. And from what the news is making the
rounds is that Government at the behest of a bunch of so called freedom
fighters want to eradicate the Portuguese names in these places in the pretence
of celebrating 50 years of ‘liberation’.

If the Government really intends in making such a move, it has to
first de-conserve these areas and then change the names, which means destroying
our heritage. 

The GBA should take up this issue also and I am sure most of the
Panjim residents will join hands in this issue.

Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.


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