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Referring to the socio-politico-developmental  issues 
that affect the people and the State of Goa, viz; the
agitation launched for  doing away with the Regional
Plan 2011; His Grace,  Archbishop Patriach Goa and
Daman since 6.1.2004 Filipe Neri Ferrao   while
addressing  invitees at a Christmas reception held at
the "Paco Patriacal"  Archbishop House, Altinho,Goa 
which included the Governor, CM, Dy CM Speaker, Deputy
Speaker, some Ministers,  and MLA’s  stated thus ----
“as the Archbishop of Goa, & Daman  I have no
intention of standing here in self-righteous judgment
on our society, as if the Church,  is not part of this
society. We have to admit that THOSE  who are
RESPONSIBLE  for the erosion of those moral and
values that undermine the genuine human development
process in Goa are OFTEN MEMBERS of the Catholic
Church.  Hence as an Institution, we have to recognize
that, in many aspects, WE HAVE TO PUT OUR OWN HOUSE IN

The then Minister for Town and Country Planning 
Mr  Atanasio (Babush ) Monserrate MLA Taleigao
abruptly  left without waiting for the reception. and
the South Goa MP Mr Churchill Alemao , briefly summed
up Ferrao’s  address saying “AMKAM APOILE ANI
TAPOILE”.  Translated meaning (he – Archbishop- called
us and fired us )

But is the own house of the  Archdiocese  in order in
the first place ?.  Read on ---

-In a shocking act that has unnerved the over ten
thousand of parishioners of the Quepem including other
natives in this part of the  Novas Conquistas, (New
Conquests from 1763 – 1961) it is learnt that  Canon
Fr. Benjamin Nicolau Bossuet Fernandes (b 3.9.1927)
ordained a priest on 6.1.1954 s/o Mr  Antonio Piedade
Conceicao Fernandes   the then President Cabido de Se
Primacial e Cathedral de Arquidiocese de Goa e Damao
Administrador perpetuo dos Bens Chamados Fazenda  (a
body that overseas some of the Estates of the
Archdiocese );  at a meeting held  at Pastoral
Institute Old Goa attended by 10 Canon (priests )
members mooted the idea of granting on  lease the 
over 200 years old “Palacio do Deao “ (Palace of
Deao)located 14 kms from Margao at Quepem built by an 
English priest Fr Deao Jose Paulo da Costa Pereira d’
Almeida (died on 10.1.1835)who  arrived in Goa in 1779

The Palace which was  suggested to be leased  is
bounded on the E- by river (sweet water) W by field N
by river- sweet water  and S - coconut grove and is
recorded in the Land Regn Office No:5508 pages 116 of
Bk No: B 5 (old) , Matriz record under No145 Survey
46/1 which involved an area  of 1125 m2 of the total
7087 m2 excluding H No: 38 “ Casa dos Conegos” . The
idea of lease was intended as  it was allegedly
difficult to maintain the same.

However this was strongly  objected to by two thirds
of the Canons (member  priests ) of the Cabido 
attending the meet  including the Fr Assumpcao Silva (
born 15.8.1922 ordained a priest on 16.4.1950 ) legal
attorney of the Cabido  on the grounds that the
British national  late Fr Deao Jose Paulo da Costa
Pereira d’ Almeida by a Will executed on 21.11.1834
which is was published  on  20.12.1861 Boletim do
Governo do Estado da India Parte Official No:100  at
pages 878 to 881 had intended that all his estates 
including the Palacio represented a SYMBOL OF SOCIO
the people of Quepem and none other)  This clearly
meant the same could never ever be leased to private
bodies and private objectives.   

As of today there is a  public chapel in  the Palace 
while the Church Opp Palace was taken over by the
Archdiocese of Goa and Daman in 1945  

A close reading of relevant parts of this Will by this
writer clearly states  further   ……………….

“ I ( late Fr Deao Jose Paulo da Costa Pereira d’
Almeida )  further declare that in the Province of
Chandravady  New Conquests I possess estate popularly
known as Quepem which in the past was uncultivated and
wild land and were brought under cultivation by me and
produced more and reached submit, with the
establishment of public market and other facilities
institution for common benefit of the inhabitants.

Further farm houses were intended for recreation of
His Excellency, Vice Kings, and Governors, therefore
not be able to dispose of the houses as per their

Again  in the same Will it is observed at 

“Article 07  -----  ten dowries + sarees and sheets
for the benefit of the poor of Quepem
 Article 08  ------ Mr Constancio Francisco Fernandes
a resident of Betalbatim was to be granted 150
xerafins  and upon his death to the successive male
Article 09 ----- the god child of the first daughter
of Lt Col Frederico Leao Gabreira was to be granted
300 xerafins and to his  slave Lt Col Antonio Maria 
50 xerafins

However what was surprising that  despite this
opposition Canon Fr. Benjamin Nicolau Bossuet
Fernandes,  President of the Cabido executed a  Deed
lease dated 15.3.2002 with one Mr. Ruben Vasco-da-
Gama s/o Maria Celia Ferrao e da Gama d/o FRANCISCO
FERRAO and duly witnessed by Mr Mariano Fernandes
(Bibtimol) Behind Market Quepem, and thus handed over 
possession of " Palacio do Deao"  H No: 37  survey
46/1    for a period of sixty years (i.e. upto
14.03.2062)  for a meagre lease amount of  Rupees six
lacs of which only Rupees two lacs were paid on the
date of execution of the Deed of  lease i.e. on
15.3.2002 and  Rupees five   lacs to be paid i.e.
after 5 years on 15.3.2007 which works to a
surprisingly low figure of  Rs eight hundred and 
thirty three per month.   

It may be noted that at some time earlier  Sister
Adorers of Nuvem were given an area of two thirds of
the   palace for a rent of Rs 2300/- p.m for
approximately 9 years before they were summarily
removed from the premises. They were involved in a
benevolent cause in keeping with the letter and spirit
of the Will viz they used to attend to the destitutes
and orphans in this palace during that period. . 

It is now apparent  that Fr Benjamin Fernandes
President of the Cabido had some clandestine design
apparently with the knowledge and consent of the top
echelons  in "Paco Patriacal" – Bishops House, Altinho
Panaji   and hence the removal of the Sister Adorers
from the premises.

It is also strange to note that  instead of Canon Fr 
Assumpcao Silva the legal attorney Cabido de Se
Primacial e Cathedral de Arquidiocese de Goa e Damao
Administrador perpetuo dos Bens Chamados Fazenda  who
is otherwise empowered to deal with all legal matters
the PresidentCanon Fr. Benjamin Nicolau Bossuet
Fernandes  assumed to himself these powers and
executed the same allegedly acting upon a Power of
Attorney dated  ------ on 1/11/1997 Regn No 4065 (but
it is not clear from the Deed of Lease as to who
conferred upon him  this power.

This writer also noted that some of the clauses of the
Deed of Lease  permits as at

Clause 5 ---  facilities in the premises for
academicians, historians and all persons desirous of
studying history, and Goan heritage as in house
students or otherwise and also to provide refreshments
to visitors etc  The house is for residential and non
residential purpose; 
Clause  7----  use the house mainly as Museum,
cultural, center gallery for display and sale of
traditional Goan costumes articles and provide
facilities for conducting cultural and other workshops
Clause  8 charge fees for visitors
Clause   9 shall not sublet the premises .  Premises
should not be used as a hotel  
(P.S all items in bold print emphasis of this writer )

Agitated by this development  the Parish council a
representative body of about 35  to 40 members from 
each of the parish wards of Quepem under its then
moderator at its meeting held on the  1st Sunday of
March 2002  resolved  that the Fabrica should file a
civil suit for declaration and restoration of
possession of the leased  portion of the Palacio and
thus pursue the issue  to its logical conclusion. 

Accordingly a legal notice was  served on behalf of
the Parish Council by  Mr Johnson Fernandes r/o Cusman
Quepem a [prominent businessman )  to the President
Cabido de Se Primacial e Cathedral de Arquidiocese de
Goa e Damao Administrador perpetuo dos Bens Chamados
Fazenda  (a body that overseas some of the Properties
of the Archdiocese )  and all other 10 canons (priests
–members ) but there was no reply --- instead some of
the Canons are believed to have approved the action of
the Parish Council  orally but did not express the
same in writing apparently for fear of earning the
wrath of the top heirarchy at "Paco Patraical"

Later a   Regular Civil suit No 5 of 2002 was filed in
the Court of Civil Judge Jr Division Quepem – suit for
declaration and restoration of possession, the first
hearing was on September 2002 .   

As the momento was building against those responsible
for this Deed of Lease viz :  President Canon Fr.
Benjamin Nicolau Bossuet Fernandes,   the higher ups
at the “ Paco Patriacal “ decided to file a  suit for
injuction in 2004  and restraining the lessees from
doing anything as per the terms of the Deed of lease .

It is interesting to note that  on 13. 1.2003   Fr
Antonio Jose Caetano da Cruz Fernandes ( the legal
attorney ) stated in a sworn affidavit before the
Court  that -----“
it was strongly objected to create lease of the
Palacio de Deao This was because it was against the
wishes of the executor of the will who has bequeathed
the property .  This was also agreed by all  Canons
viz the Plaintiff as well as the Defendants Nos 3 and
11  viz 
Canon Fr Assumcao Silva
Canon Fr Antonio Jose Caetano da Cruz fernandes 
Canon Fr Antonio Francisco Pascoal Pinto
Canon Fr Orlando Ribeiro Santan
Canon Fr Antonio Cruz da Piedade
Canon Fr Adolfo Jovino Costa Viegas 
Canon Fr Santana Jacinto dos Remedios Faleiro
Canon Fr Joaquim Mariano Tertuliano 
Canon Fr Anacleto Caetano de Melo

This clearly showed how Fr Benjamin acted
authoritatively overriding
the decision of the 10 other canons --- and this
according to the parishioners that this writer
interacted with discreetly, showed that perhaps Fr 
Benjamin apparently enjoyed  the covert blessings of
the higher ups to go ahead with the Deed of lease .
This was done during the tenure of  Archbishop
Patriach Goa and Daman Dr Raul Niclau Gonsalves.
Surprisingly Dr Gonsalves still resides in the "Paco
Patriacal" where his writ still runs large till date
in matters of the Church according to many insiders
that this writer is in touch.    

It is also of interest to note that even the majority 
communities  mainly of Deao Bhat Quepem benefited from
this will of   late Fr Deao Jose Paulo da Costa
Pereira d’ Almeida. The present Moderator of the
Parish Council is Elvis Goes  and Rev. Fr Robert Vaz
(born 13.2.1992) now at Our Lady of Rosary Church
Navelim is the  President of the Cathedral Chapter
Properties of the Archdiocese of Goa, Old Goa. Cabido
da Se Primacial de Goa.

According to some sources this writer contacted the
Injunction orders is expected shortly. 

Therefore the questions that need answers to set its
own house in order as the flock of the Good Shepherd
would expect and rightly so:
a)      Why did the then Archbishop Patriach Dr Raul Niclau
Gonsalves ramin silent on the removal of  the Sister
Adorers from the Palacio?
b)      What action did the then Archbishop Patriach Dr
Raul Niclau Gonsalves take for the highhandedness of
Canon Fr. Benjamin   Nicolau Bossuet Fernandes  the
then  President Cabido de Se Primacial e Cathedral de
Arquidiocese de Goa e Damao Administrador perpetuo dos
Bens Chamados Fazenda  for overriding the decision of
all other Canons and executing the Deed of Lease on
c)      Is the lessee related to any of the higher ups in
the Paco Patriacal as is alleged in some quarters?
d)      Is the present Archbishop aware of a leaflet being
circulated some time ago reflecting the true intent of
the present lessee in the use of the Palacio?  website
e)      If the present lesee is related to the higher
ups in the "Paco Patriacal" why not rescind the Deed
of Lease instead of indulging in protracted long drawn

This needs to be put in order -- NOW 


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