"Was the arrest of one of Britain's leading politicians, possibly a future
minister, aimed at sending a message to lesser people in the country to
close their eyes, ears and mouths?"

"The arrest and interrogation of Damian Green, one of Britain's leading
opposition politicians, by the counter-terrorism police (November 27, 2008)
on 'suspicion of conspiring to commit misconduct in a public office' is an
extraordinary event. Counter-terrorism officers searched his homes and
offices in London and his constituency. He was questioned for nine hours and
released on bail without charge, but must return next February for further
questioning. The police action happened when the world's attention was
focused on the terrorist attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai."

"Green says it is his job as an opposition politician to hold the government
to account and he has every intention of continuing to do so."
To read this smallish article and encounter some interesting parallels go

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