Cure for political Defections

Maharashtra seemed to be precursor to the drama unfolding in
Goa.Unfortunately  it petered  our as a damp squib.The plot failed as it
could not garner enough support.The wounded lion after being stripped of
his glamour,  another  disdident was crowned King.As the BJP  was on hot
pursuit of his illgoten empire it was natural that he traced back his
steps.The wisdom of Congress as usual is primarily responsible for this
fiasco.. For time being Intentions are clear  but postponed for another
day,as the lull before the storm
No political  party is pressing for a very simple antidefection law
afresh,  for as when their turn comes it certainly will be beneficial too
Any member  of any party including independents must resign and seek
reelections  if they are wedded to a new ideology  .It is  simple and
unambigousThey must also be forced to pay for the costs of relection or
better still be banned for two terms. THE POLITICAL parties can thus
ensure  their flock not  being poached.The oaths  and affidavits are an
eyewash with no legal  bearing of any consequences
Defections for any reason  including so called development have made a
mockery of Democracy.Goa political scene has been notoriously famous  in
this respect leading the way . The voters are taken for a ride as they must
follow the leader like a Pied  Paper. Sanctity of vote is thrown to the
winds as democracy is of the politician by the politician and for the
politician. Once elected they are the kings and above the law subverting
antidefection law with impunity  and are not answerable to their voters
All political parties must press for a simple antidefection law if
democracy is to survive and prevent autocratic democracy in India
Voters are also to be blamed for reflecting defectors

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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