The nexus between the Ministry and corporate world is well known and confirmed 
in India after the Radia tapes but is only now being exposed with police 
investigations into the Oil Ministry scandal and scam.  National and the aam 
admi's interest are invariably taken for a royal ride! It is reported that 
Maharashtra wants Z+ security for Rs 1,900 crore statue of Shivaji to be built 
in the Arabian sea to protect it from terrorists ! Hindutva, voting your caste 
instead of casting your vote for competent candidates, crime and rape, 
corruption,littering,spitting etc has not significantly been minimised despite 
so much propaganda and awareness created by media and education in schools and 
public forums . Anna Hazare has to agitate with farmers wary of government 
ordinance to help private players by waving mandatory social impact assessment 
and consent clause! We have cops severely thrashing merely on suspicion, a boy 
resident of Calangute; mobs and MLA taking law into own hands and demolishing 
dance bars and so on. The MGP does not want to change its name from Marathawadi 
to a Goa Regional Party and such deep routed problems need a new lot of people 
with scientific temper and modern compassionate minds (change in mind set) in 
this fast changing world. Yesterdays solutions will not work for today's 
Perhaps it is centuries of being dominated or being treated like slaves or 
second class citizens. The VIP culture seems so ingrained that if someone in 
authority behaves like an ordinary mortal, we go Ga Ga! Prime Minister Modi is 
testing the way. He addresses President of the United States as Barrack, goes 
and lunches in the Parliament canteen and even pays for it! The TV reported 
gushes the breaking headline news dominating media. The menu and a re-assembled 
thali items are shown to us, the "historic occasion" is recorded with his 
remarks in the Suggestion Book! Meanwhile Maharashtra CM has to apologise to 
public for inconveniencing people due to his motorcade and enforced police 
action. Regarding VIP exemption list at Dabolim airport, only Vadra's name is 
removed leaving the other 30 untouched! As if we do not have enough Deities, 
they want to build more temples for living personalities like Amitab Bachan, 
Sachin Tendulkar, Modi and even for the man who shot the Mahatma! In Goa at the 
Secretariat, I see police saluting the MLAs/  bureaucrats, even pushing 
people(who in fact can be considered their employers) out of the way for the 
important person smooth passage after opening the expensive driver driven car 
door! It is up to us to join the NDTV "Say No To VIP Culture" movement. Only 
when people demand equal treatment with dignity for all citizens will this VIP 
class and all that goes with it disappear

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