Dear Babu – Tourism Minister Goa 2019

Dear Manohar Azgaonkar

Issue: Tourism in Goa

Timing: Immediate

Background and Recommendation – As Below

I am writing to you for the record as having been involved with other pioneers 
in setting up the Air Bridge for direct flights from the United Kingdom, UK to 
Goa, the first flight being on Paramount Airlines putting Goa on the Tourist 
Map over twenty years ago.    I am very disappointed and feel let down with the 
current state of affairs.

It is not your fault or that of the Government of Goa that Greed is openly 
flaunted by most local people.    For example in November 2018 I managed to get 
to Baga Beach courtesy of Goa’s Hop On Hop Off Bus (Ho Ho Bus) I looked for a 
place where I tasted Prawn Papad for the first time some twenty years ago.  Not 
being sure whether it was St Anthony’s or Sea Pearl asking around came across a 
Pan Spitting waiter with a scowl who did not speak any English or Konkani and 
walked away.   This put me off, I ended at Brittos Shack ordered a Lime Soda 
only to be served with Lime Juice, the squid served was very bland nothing like 
our Goa taste garnished with masala and coconut vinegar.  A bottle of Honeybee 
on the menu had a price tag of INR 1,270.00 where in Mapusa the retail price is 
INR 189.00 even with Government Sales Tax the price displayed, if you agree, is 
pure greed.   Baga Beach three years ago resembled the Costas in Spain. On this 
visit, there was not one “Foreigner” or Russian in sight for a place blessed 
with sunshine and the harvest of the sea with empty sun beds.

Instead there is a concreted Pay Car Park large enough for twenty football 
pitches for cars and coaches. Some of these coaches bring fourth generation 
visitors from the former British India who display a lack of potty training and 
poor hygiene standards thus soiling the Beach with the call of nature creating 
a stench despite having washroom facilities nearby at INR 10.00 to use.   The 
men can afford drink and break bottles on the beach for a thrill that is not 
their backyard and have no respect for local people.  For a factual video 

click here

And click here for local viewpoint:

It was heartbreaking the see the once tree lined Panjim to Mapusa Road 
resembling  the French Reviera with flowers on roundabouts destroyed and 
dissected, diversions due to  huge  man made concrete boulders and debris from 
the Bombay by pass to Kerala via Goa. Locals say that there will be a slope at 
Porvorim.  There should also be washrooms at the bottom of the slope otherwise 
travellers will be answering the call of nature in the fields and building wall 
creating stench and disease if not addressed.

I  also know that as part of  Modieconomics  India and China are Competing for 
World Top Spot but at what cost.  India is a democracy, at least have Goa 
restored to its former Glory, restore meetings with the good people at Travel 
and Trade Association of Goa (TTAG) and work on a direction or like the Titanic 
prepare to sink.   Every young Goan  person you speak to can’t wait to leave.

Click here

My letter was prompted by oHeraldo E Paper Jan 12 Page one 2019 courtesy of 
Goan Voice UK  for information and awareness please forward   to all members of 
the  Goa Legislative Assembly (MLA)

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath, Surrey, England

13 January 2019

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