Thank you Professor for your email and your promise to get expert help from
your history department colleagues. (It would be great if they could also
join us on the goanet list)  EXPERT and FACTUAL discussion is what the
common layman like me and the children of our Mother Goa need.

I do not blame you for the lack of information on goan history since 1961
when the Indian territory of Goa Daman and Diu was created. I was born in
the 60s and did my schooling in 1970s and 80s. Not even a line of our goan
history was taught to us. It took a  private initiative by Sr. Mr. Lobo to
educate us through the petition with so much of our history. He deserves
highest credit for the same. Well done and thank you Sr. Lobo. I resent not
being taught my Goan history.

I consider that
1. Not Giving Plebiscite for the Goan people is a fundamental human rights
2. Not being taught our goan history is a human right issue.
3. Dividing Goa on Religious grounds is against the Indian constitution.

If It is OK for the list administrator and the members of the list, I would
like to suggest an open truth and mail discussion at our own leisure  with
the following guidelines:

1. The discussion is on the Free Goa Petition   and
the Events since 1961.
2. It is a peaceful, Civilised, all participative, serious discussion
respecting the Goan values of Equality, Liberty and brotherhood for the
sole purpose of increasing our understanding.
3. We could start the discussion with what should be the guidelines and add
more agreed by the participants.


Dear Professor (  HOD Political science.Goa University )

As regards to your Lay understanding let me reply to your corresponding
points as below:

  1. Honestly, I see no ambiguity in the first sentence. India as a
political entity as existing today (sans Goa Daman and Diu and Dadra and
Nagar Haveli) was born only in 1947. The petition clearly states that the
sub continent called India did exist  before that. The State as implied in
"Estado da India" is the State of Portugal from the Sub continent of India.
Da in this context means "from the" in Portuguese. This is obvious as Goa
was a state of portugal. Goans who know portuguese should easily understand
this.(Any portuguese EXPERT please clarify)

Of all the nations in the world, very few political entitites  existed so
back from 1510. E.g. USA-  born after 1770, UK- born after 1800, Australia
- after 1900, Brazil after 1720 etc... to name some few came into being
much much much later. The 1510 refers to the start of the Association with
Portugal. What is significant here is that "Estado da India" which actualy
means "Portuguese state from India" existed before 1947 when India was
born. Again no ambiguity for me.

2.  This point of yours seems a bit banal. Every place in the world has a
unique heritage.

3. Only EXPERTS can answer this. Lay persons like you and me will create
more confusion.

4. Absolutely true. As I see it, the "Free Goa petition" is another route
for the same cause to save our Mother Goa and the Goan identity. I have not
picked up any sides. I support all of them. I support all the warriors of
Goa. Common people of Goa are fed up with false promises and the need of
the hour is to save Goa. This is mine and every goan's deepest concern as
you have rightly observed.

5. The above is solely my own Lay understanding. We need EXPERT and
AUTHORATIVE clarifications with FACTUAL  references.


Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 08:23:42 +0530
> From: "Head, Political Science Dept" <>
> To:,
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest:Vol 13, Issue 47 and kind request
>         to Professor HOD Political science.Goa University
> Message-ID:
>         <CABRnSVdDxfi4wbuqEqJQkjsxXpBWO1qfN3p+K7Bg6KgY3HxG9Q@mail.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Dear Mari,
> Thanks for your post and desire to know the history and circumstances as
> stated in the said petition by Mr .Lobo.Unfortunately neither me or my
> colleagues at the department have a core expertise on that phase of Goan
> History which you seek to clarify and our understanding of the same is
> based on what we gather from secondary resources and writings which are in
> the public domain.But I promise you to dig deeper with my more knowledgable
> colleagues in History Department and get back to you soon.However, permit
> me to say the following based on my lay understanding of what I can make of
> Mr Lobo's painstaking, yet seemingly misplaced petition.
> 1.The first sentence of the petition itself is problematic and hilarious to
> say the least where he contradicts himself."India was born only in
> 1947"...and goes on to imply further that Goa was never part of India as
> India never existed until 1947'.at the same time he says that Goa was
> established as 'Estado da India in 1510 and was continuous existence for
> 451 years till 1961." It does imply that something called 'India' did exist
> before 1947, at least from 1510 if accept his own argument.
> 2.If I take his logic further, I get more confused, as it would have me
> believe that Goa existed only from 1510, thereby erasing an entire history,
> culture and tradition that constitute Goa's unique heritage.My
> understanding of a nation is much beyond mere territories and legal
> treaties which must include people,customs and their traditions.
> 3.Point number 11 of the petition that' Except for Goa , most of the
> Portuguese colonies got independence ' and cites East Timor (2002) as the
> latest example. A comparision of Goa with East Timore can only be done by
> someone who either has complete ignorance of history, but also of the
> politics of the circumstances in which it happened. Portuguese abandoned
> East Timor in 1974, left chaos, Superpower rivalry facilitated Indonesian
> invasion and subsequent rule over the territory which was very brutal and
> violent, leading to a quarter century of secessionist movement and the
> eventual referednum.It would be good to know if which of India's actions
> post 1961 can be equated with the above?
> 4.Having said this, let me say that despite Goa's present place of pride in
> the Indian Union, there is a lot to fight for Goa given the churning that
> is taking place in the state and in India itself.The way the special status
> issue has been dealt with only makes me feel exasperated with the Goan (and
> Indian political establishment). But there is still a ray of hope.Our
> Constitution gives us enough safeguards to fight our battles to protect
> identity, land and environment. A good number of warriors in Goa are
> already doing that against highly adverse circumstances.My request to
> people like Mr Lobo would be help such warriors by acknowledging their
> efforts to say the least rather than trying to open up Quixotian
> battles.Otherwise you will only end up destroying their cause.There are
> enough elements around to mis-label genuine battles. Don't pick wrong
> battles is what I would wish to conclude.
> 5.These are my personal views and should not be taken as the views of my
> department or the University.....but I promise to get back further with
> more inputs from my history colleagues.
> Prof. Rahul Tripathi
> --
> Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic
> communications disclaimer:

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