First BLINDFOLD CHESS TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP will be organized by Chess Activity Centre in the month of July/Aug 2010. Its a team event of 3 players

Demonstration Game of Visualisation (BLINDFOLD CHESS Team event )will be held on Sat. July 3, 2010 between 4 to 6 pm at The International Centre Goa, Dona Paula. Open to all.
Its a chess game played by a team of three payers.
a. Move announcer
b. Move Writer
c. Move player on Demo Board.
Requirements :1. a. Magnetic Chess Demonstration board set b. Chess Board only c. Chess Clock d. Score sheet pad. 2. Two players from each team (Move Announcer and Move Writer) will sit across the table behind Magnetic Demonstration Board. Third player will be standing in front of Demonstration Board. 3. A Chess clock will be placed facing all four players. Its back will be towards Demo Board. 4. Only chess board without any chess man will be placed on the table between Move Announcer.
5.      Only one move writing score-sheet will be used by both teams.
6. Game starts with Announcer from Team playing White, announces the move. Move writer writes move at the same time Move player plays the move on Demo board and comes back behind Demo Board and press the clock. Chess clock to be press only after playing the move and move writing is complete. 7. Opponent team follows their move. Moves are played alternativly and game goes on till mate or till time lapse. 8. Move writer will pick up the score sheet, write the move and place it back on table. 9. Move to be announced and written in Algebraic notations (1.e4 e5, 2.Nf3 Nc6, 3. Bc4 Bc5, 4.c3 Nf6....)
Only Pawn game and 4 pawn and King game will be played on July 3rd 2010
       10. Fix time (say 5 to10 min) will be given each team.
This is very good children of all ages above 6.
This demostration is open to all free entry.
Sanjay Barve (9403176657)
Secretary, Chess Activity Centre

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