Sorry to sound skeptical, but what do the medical men of Goanet think of this? A number of health-initiatives in Goa these days have been supply-driven (attempts at universalising Hepatitis B vaccines, thyroid tests, knee-replacements MRI scans, HIV/AIDS approaches in treatment, etc ... which are driven by the availability of hardware and business interests behind them).

Am not suggesting that what follows is not required, but can't help wondering about this. We also know that there are a number of areas which are neglected in contemporary Goa, simply because patients can't pay, such as malaria, anemia, malnutrition, etc

"Private-public partnerships" are often a good excuse for privatising assets, nationalising losses and sharing spoils between politicians and businessmen. The Konkan Railway Corporation is a good example ... while it does serve in connecting Goa to the rest of the west coast, the claims that it would recoup its investments, move out of the red, and be merged into the Indian Railways network are there for all to see. This was supposed to have happened in ten years time, and it was scheduled for completion in 1994!

Mopa or Dabolim, huge "infrastructure" projects at taxpayer costs (often while indebting the future generations) are an excellent means of earning a fast buck for those in power (now or in the future). I guess if politicians had the say, they'd like to have 20 airports for a State of Goa's size. Never mind if not even one works properly. -- FN

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Diabetes care programme launched


August 28, 2008

The  signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the
Government and M/s. Novo Nordisk Education Foundation, Bangalore on Diabetes Care Programme marked yet another unique scheme for taking health care to doorsteps of the common men, in addition to Health Care Programmes launched in the recent past.

The Memorandum of Understanding on Diabetes Care Programme was
signed today in the distinguished presence of Health Minister
Vishwajit Rane at Conference Hall at  Assembly Complex, Porvorim.

Anand Prakash, Development Commissioner and Secretary Health
represented Government of Goa while Shri Melvin Oscar D'Souza, M.D., was
signatory to M/s. Novo Nordisk Education Foundation.

Dr. V. N. Jindal, Dean, GMC, Dr. Rajan Kuncolienkar, Medical
Suptd. GMC, Dr. (Smt.) Rajananda Desai, Director, Health Services, Senior Officials of GMC, Directorate of Health Services and Representatives of Foundation were present on the occasion.

The Health Minister, Shri Vishwajit Rane said that Diabetes is a
major Health hazard in the Country affecting young and old. Goa he said has a alarming proportion of Diabetes patients.

The Government on its part cannot take the initiative of promoting
held care by itself and has stressed the need for private public partnership to make programmes result oriented.

Rane said that M/s. Novo Nordisk Education Foundation would
take up screening and collect data of diabetes patients and initiate
remedial steps.

He said various measures will be introduced involving medical
practitioners, in the Government and private sectors, Anganwadi workers
among others in the drive against diabetes mobile clinics would be launched also as steps to take the diabetes care programme to rural areas, he added.

Rane said, Diabetes Care Programme launched in Goa was unique
in the Country. The programme will be co-ordinated by Directorate of Health Services and Goa Medical College.

The Health Minister said the launching of the programme would be
beneficial to people in remote areas as these are ignorant of diabetes
problems and now would come to light in handling the diabetes cases.

On the occasion five juvenile diabetes patients were presented
with mementos.

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