Do not let guard down
People become naturally complacent over a period of time Similarly attention 
focus diminishes with time . Initially the Govt  of Goa with police and CRP 
enforced the lock  down. Goa has been fortunate to be green zone. with only 7 
cases , which have recovered with no deaths. People by a and large co operated 
with the guide lines .It takes just once case to change the colour of the zone. 
e.g. Shindudurgh Davengere etc How safe Goa will be with markets ,trains buses 
, opening up .People have started beach visits , group meetings at street 
corners with relaxed norms of stay at home
Many Goans unemployed, students  ,sailors  stranded in various parts of the 
world, are being brought back home. There is a risk  involveled  in  this   
humanitarian  exercise of great magnitude .People want to get back to old ways 
but remember the danger of infections is still lurking around the corner. It is 
predicted that June July are peak periods also with change in climate
People have now to observe self restraint. Those above 60 plus  others with 
disease of heart ,kidneys  ,hypertension ,diabetes must absolutely limit 
movements Children below 10 years must also be guarded. How the situation will 
change with opening of schools is difficult to  fathom as of now
Use mask that will prevent infection Any type of mask is no guarantee to 
adventure far and beyond  It only gives  psychological  comfort . Sanitisation 
of hands specially before eating must become a habit of compulsion from here 
Maintain  social distance  absolutely at all times in all places with friends 
or visitors .The normal habits of social interactions will have to be curtailed 
over a longer period for personal safety and  others on contact .Use freedom of 
relaxation      with  utmost responsibility. There may be no police to remind  
and enforce guidelines  we will have to be self guided and educate others too 
by example .If there is outbreak we will undo the effects of sacrifices of stay 
 at home. No more we will be able to shift blame and point  fingers at Govt You 
are your own best protector under circumstances. as this scourge of pandemic 
will last a  little longer .
No gatherings ,attending of group  celebratory activities whether religious or  
social in nature .Eating habits of non veg food stuff ,street and outdoor foods 
must be put on hold . Exercise and rest can accentuate good health , Let us not 
forget to pray for divine intervention to find cure and also be grateful for 
our present state of good health

Nelson Lopes  Chinchinim

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