Don’t we all

 waiting at the market  place for my loved one to finish purchases .A shabbily 
dressed , unkept young man was approaching my car in which i  was seated 
listening to some music
I was apprenhensive that he  certainly would ask for alms and i was not 
mentally prepared to do charity
 Number of unwanted thoughts crossed my mind ,preparing   how i would respond
Finally the tramp reached my car and to my utter surprise  only commented that 
it was a nice car. I was relieved that he did not request for help. He just sat 
down  by the side walk in a world  of his own  .I felt guilty at my presumptive 
thoughts .As there was still time to wait i decided to ask him if he needed any 
help, hoping at the sane time that response would be negative
Finally and reluctantly i mustered enough courage to ask him .He hesitated for 
somd time and meekly  uttered very politely
DON’T  WE All. implying
That is  we all need help at times?
Why are we so tight fisted to be  a little generous  ar times,as per our  
means, in our  thoughts ,words ,actions?

No matter who you are at many times “Don’t we all?”
We are restrainedby our egos to volunteer and argue that such generosity only 
encourages dependence
 I finally  decided to be a good samaritan by choice and offered him enough for 
a good meal. As he melted away into oblivion with a smile of gratitude on his 
face, i felt the joy in my heart
His simple words keep on ringing in my ears that there is responsibilty to do 
what ever little it may be for we stand blessed in many ways which we take for 
Feeling for others is a great virtue to be cultivated for our own well being too

“Don’t we all”? thanks
Sent from my iPhone

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